Problem with "&" or "-"? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 11, 2010
Let me start by saying I've uploaded many images to and had the Fanart Handler pull them in just fine. But I'm having a problem with this one particular artist.

I found one thread talking about this but had no real resolution.

Plus I'm not 100% sure this is an ampersand issue anyway.

I have an artist called "DJ T-Rock & Squashy Nice" in the ID3 tags. MP displays this as such. I uploaded some images for this artist to with the same string for the images 'Title'. These images do not show up when playing these tracks in MP. I checked the Managed Fanart tab and there no entries for this artist at all.

I made sure the images were being returned in the query by using this URL: t-rock %26 squashy nice&inc=rating,keywords,caption,mb_name,mb_aliases,mb_tags

It returns a HUGE list but my images are in there. However, the "title" node of the XML shows "&" in place of the "&". Could this be an issue?

Here is some XML of my images. Again, this is within a huge list returned by the URL above.:

<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock &amp; Squashy Nice]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock Squashy Nice]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock & Squashy Nice Art]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock &amp; Squashy Nice]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock Squashy Nice]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock & Squashy Nice Portraits]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock &amp; Squashy Nice]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock Squashy Nice]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock & Squashy Nice - Getting Through Cover Art]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock &amp; Squashy Nice]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock Squashy Nice Digging]]>
<![CDATA[DJ T-Rock Digging]]>

What exactly does the Fanart Handler do with this XML response? What nodes does it try to match on?

Is there a problem with the Fanart Handler,, or do I just need to edit my image properties in a particular way to get these pulled in?

Thanks for any input.
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    will see what I can find. will test in a few days and let you know what I find.


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