Problem with recorded TV (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 28, 2005

So I've made my first scheduled recording with the TV Server, but there's a problem.

The programme shows up under 'Recorded TV', but when I try to play it, nothing happens.

When I look in the designated folder for TV recordings, there's an mpeg file with the right name, but it's 0kb in size.

I can watch TV no problem.

While it was supposed to be recording, I was watching a ripped DVD direct from the hard drive.

Anyone know what might have gone wrong?


Portal Member
December 2, 2005
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Germany Germany
there may be many reasons, for an empty recording file. However, I found out a very funny one recently: the name of the program which is taken as default filename, may not be in accordance with the filename-conventions of your filesystem. It happend to me with a movie title that had some commas and some other special characters inside: the directory was created, but the file remained empty. When I changed the conventions for naming the recordings in MP (this possibility is one of the VERY good things in MP!) the same file was recorded without problems. So MAYBE this was the problem in your case too.



Portal Pro
January 6, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I've just experienced the same problem :(
MP was set scheduled to record the next program on the channel i was currently watching, TV was playing - the program started and MP showed the "rec" icon I pressed stop on my remote to stop local playback of the channel about 5 minutes into the show. The "rec" icon stayed present... but after my program finished I went to watch the show and the file is 0kb :(
This is using SVN 02/03/07 on DVB-T.


Portal Pro
January 6, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ok, this gets more bizarre...
I just tried to start a recording manually instead of scheduling one, the program recorded fine but it doesn't show up in "Recorded TV" if I navigate to the Recording folder in Windows Explorer the file is there and plays fine! :confused:
The failed scheduled program was called "Top Gear" which had 0kb size and showed up under Recorded TV
The working manual start program was called "I, Robot" and had a size of 8mb, but didn't show up under Recorded TV...
So I would guess the name isn't the issue here, is there any known bug that could be affecting me and alexeix ?

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