Problems last 4~5 days with Astra19.2E (i.e. Dutch chan.)? (1 Viewer)

Do you watch Astra 19.2E and did you have problems ~May-17/21 ?

  • Yes, with Dutch channels

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MP Donator
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  • November 15, 2005

    I am watching the standard Dutch channels via Astra 19.2E.

    Last 4~5 days I had big problems with choppy TV pictures & sound, until loosing all channels completely within ~1 hour.

    I used all svn of last 5 days (and tried several other things); some brought back the pictue and others still left me with only black screens and "no picture found". If the picture returned, every time it got choppy until after ~1 hour I lost all channels again.

    Yesterday it appeared to me that this problem was not caused by MP but by my(?) satelite reception. I checked with my regular decoder and ProgDVB and both gave distorded pictures even though I got 81~82% signal strength (according ProgDVB). Whith some effort adjusting my dish I got my reception to 82~83% and this solved the distorded pictures and as it appears about 14 hours later, my choppy pictures/'no channel found' problems in MP.

    I am not experienced with the satelite reception (only used this for about 5 months without problems) but it appears to me (also from other forums when I started with dvb-s) that ~81% signal strength is not too bad. It also appears to me that increase of 1~2% is not very likely to have solved the very bad distorded pictures.

    I checked the sites of Astra and of my provider (canaldigitaal) but found no reference to any problems.

    Still I am wondering if my solution was coincidental, and if maybe others had similar problems with Astra 19.2E reception -specifically with the Dutch channels- last days ??

    (I try to make a poll)



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 6, 2006
    I also use 19.2 without any problems. since i live in germany there's (pity enough) almost no dutch channel which is not scrambled. 'BVN' anyway works fine for me.

    another suggestion: i've had a similar problem once. do you have a wireless phone in the area of your HTPC? i don't mean a mobile phone but a regular one.

    some basis stations from such phones are sending on a frequency which can sometimes interfer with the DVB-S signal. If that's the case unplug your phone from the power supply and try it again, just to check if that's the problem. if it is you may need another position for your phone / basis station. it solved everything for me (as weird as it sounds (-; )


    MP Donator
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  • November 15, 2005
    I have a wire-less DECT phone for the fixed telephone net. It is about 25 cm from the HTPC, but it has always been about there. However in this case I assume there is a difference when the handset is docked or not (I docked it yesterday because the battery was empty, mostly it is not docked when somebody is at home)

    Interesting suggestion however. If I have some days watching TV without problems (had too much problems last days, do not feel up to it so soon) I will put my base station with or without handset closer to the cable/htpc to see if the problem returns.


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