Problems with IMDB (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 10, 2006
I recently upgraded to RC4 and have noticed one major problem.
I cannot search the imdb database when updating my movies. When I try to do it in mp noting happens, and when I try to update in mp setup movie details can't be found.

Now this might sound Like its just the name that I'm not putting in right, but no, it does the same with movies that I already had searched with RC3, can anyone help?

It doesn't matter what combination of letters I put, it just won't search.

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    No problem using imdb here.

    Can you be more specific, are there any information windows opening, does weather load and update ok, (Test MP's internet connection).



    Portal Member
    May 10, 2006
    my internet connection is fine with win firewall off and personal firewall granting all access, weather works fine. After I have right click a video file, I then click imdb, then I enter the title in and click done, but then nothing else happens, it used search after I click done or atleast return something, now it does nothing just returns to video viewer.


    Portal Member
    May 10, 2006
    here is my error log

    13/05/2006 9:08:52 AM Window:MediaPortal.GUI.WebBrowser.GUIFavorites and window MediaPortal.GUI.WebBrowser.GUIFavorites have the same id's!!!
    13/05/2006 9:08:53 AM GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded id:6 ex:Object of type 'MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIFadeLabel' cannot be converted to type 'MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIImage'. at System.RuntimeType.CheckValue(Object value, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
    at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalSetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, Boolean doVisibilityCheck, Boolean doCheckConsistency)
    at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.SetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnWindowLoaded() MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoOverlay
    13/05/2006 9:08:53 AM Window:MediaPortal.GUI.WebBrowser.GUIWebBrowser and window MediaPortal.GUI.WebBrowser.GUIWebBrowser have the same id's!!!

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