problems with music db (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
February 1, 2007
I've many mp3 in my MP music DB, but if i go in the music database browse and musica database batch search of MyLyrics, there are 0 songs in the music db.
If i play a song in MP, myLyrics fetch the lyric without problem, and add it to the lyrics database..
i really don't understand the problem here

using last MP build, and tried it on windows xp and vista

uhm.. ive found a

2009-03-30 [ERROR][MPMain]: SQLiteClient: query returned CORRUPT select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape ''
2009-03-30 [ERROR][MPMain]: SQLiteClient: cmd:sqlite3_finalize err:CORRUPT detailed:database disk image is malformed query:select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape ''
2009-03-30 [ERROR][MPMain]: MusicDatabase: Lookups: GetSongsByPath failed: select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape '' exception err: SQLiteClient: cmd:sqlite3_finalize err:CORRUPT detailed:database disk image is malformed query:select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape '' stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
at MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.DirectExecute(String aSQL)
at MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsByPath(String aPath, List`1& aSongList)

in the mp logs


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 1, 2006
    right there
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    I've many mp3 in my MP music DB, but if i go in the music database browse and musica database batch search of MyLyrics, there are 0 songs in the music db.
    If i play a song in MP, myLyrics fetch the lyric without problem, and add it to the lyrics database..
    i really don't understand the problem here

    using last MP build, and tried it on windows xp and vista

    uhm.. ive found a

    2009-03-30 [ERROR][MPMain]: SQLiteClient: query returned CORRUPT select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape ''
    2009-03-30 [ERROR][MPMain]: SQLiteClient: cmd:sqlite3_finalize err:CORRUPT detailed:database disk image is malformed query:select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape ''
    2009-03-30 [ERROR][MPMain]: MusicDatabase: Lookups: GetSongsByPath failed: select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape '' exception err: SQLiteClient: cmd:sqlite3_finalize err:CORRUPT detailed:database disk image is malformed query:select * from tracks where strPath like 'y:\mp3\ByAuthor%' escape '' stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
    at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
    at MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.DirectExecute(String aSQL)
    at MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsByPath(String aPath, List`1& aSongList)

    in the mp logs

    The fault is most likely caused by a problem when reading your music database, as you stated yourself. This forum is only for issues regarding the MyLyrics plugin. Please make a report here.



    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2007
    Yes, i've found out that the problem was in my music db... i was sure it was ok, but the file lenght was 200k... i deleted it, redid a scan, and now is more than 10mb...

    thanks for the help

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