Problems with tuners (no signal) since changing to windows 8 (1 Viewer)


MP Donator
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  • March 19, 2006
    Hi fellow Mpers,
    my system hw is the same but I just did a fresh install of windows 8(came from windows 7).
    Now tv server sees the usb tuners -af9035 - or af9015 but can't find any signal.
    Will not scan channels nor will it find prev ones that i have imported.

    I've tried different tuner drivers but has been no go as yet.- Ive got two of these tuners(4 tuners in all) and none of them work.

    Anyone experienced this issue since going to win8?

    Its 11pm and Ive spent most of the day with this HTPC so its time for bed.
    thanks for you helps
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    MP Donator
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  • March 19, 2006
    thanks jean, Ill look into it. I had read some of that thread, but thought my problem is different.
    Tv server starts but my tv cards return "no signal"
    I'm using 1.2.3 final(as the prev install with win 7)


    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2011
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi datfreak,
    Are your problems solved?
    So, you have two dual usb tvcards,one with the af9035 driver and the other with the af9015 driver?
    Was there a viewer/capture software delivered with your tv cards, if so can you view tv with this software?



    MP Donator
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  • March 19, 2006
    Hi Jean,
    not solved yet. I think it is a problem with my "MOBIDTV dual" tuners sticks. I've downloaded other drivers, but they all have the same result.
    I tried a tuner stick on my win7 laptop and it DID NOT work either. This is weird as both sticks have work perfectly on the win 7 htpc for over a year.

    So I think it is either:
    a)both sticks have failed(VERY VERY unlikely)
    b)the tuners require a special driver +/- a patch for win 7/8
    c)something I do not understand

    if someone has the original MOBI dual cd - please message me.


    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2011
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi datfreak,

    _ You're sure there's a TV signal?
    _ have you tried to check with other software, dvbprog, windows mediacenter...
    _ According to this website,
    You need the following driver; afa 9035.
    _According your log , you are using the following driver: 2012-12-01 22:34:56.380935 [(5)]: dvb: using [Tuner]: AF9015 BDA Filter
    _ Which driver will be installed automatically by Windows?
    _According to this website the afa 9035 is compatible with windows 8;



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello datfreak

    You've got all sorts of strange errors in your error log. There is no indication of what the problem might be.
    I'd suggest two things:
    1. Don't use the driver supplied by Windows. Use the driver from the tuner manufacturer.
    2. Don't use "pause graph".
    3. Use the same network provider ("preferred network provider") setting as you used under W7 when the tuner worked.

    If you were using an MS driver before it is possible that MS updated it with a PBDA driver - that would not work with MP.


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