Question about adding a remote (1 Viewer)


New Member
September 10, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
I am just starting to get into tuning MP to my preferences and had a question. I noticed that lots of people like to use their MCE remote to control set-top boxes using the various ports on their boxes. I've been using the Hauppage remote I got with my PVR-150 and been trying to map out everything I want to use on it. That got me thinking: I've got one of the Motorola cable boxes, with a remote. I noticed my receiver for the remote from my tuner picks up signals (I'm assuming that's what the flashing light means on its front when I press keys). I have two buttons on the cable remote that don't use (AUX and VCR). I was wondering if there's something out there, so that I can have one of those profiles control my box like the Hauppage remote I'm using now? If I'm going to have to train a remote, I'd like to consolidate first.

I've been looking around and can't find anything that seems to do this. Any ideas?


Portal Pro
January 23, 2006
Home Country
England England
I think you probably need a remote that learns signals, I have an RCA Universal learning which with patience controls everything I own (including the AC) apart from my htpc which is RF based.

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