Question about MusicShareWatcher config & behaviour (1 Viewer)


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  • August 4, 2007
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    Spain Spain

    Just one question... In order for Music Shares to be monitorized and kept up to date in DB, there's a tick box in Database Config Section named "Auto-update DB on changes in shares"... Is this enough? is this related to MusicShareWatcher Plugin? If you keep your music shares monitorized this way... is there any point in activating also MusicDB Reorg Plugin?

    It's a little confusing to have parts of config inside Music and others in Plugins section... :(



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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    MusicSharewatcher (the plugin) can only add files while MP is running.
    You may start MusicShareWatcher.exe, which runs then in the tray and monitors changes to your shares.

    If the exe or MP (with MusicSharewatcher enabled) was not running while updating the shares, then those changes are not reflected in the database.
    To bring the DB to the latest state, you need to run an update from the Configuration menu or enable the MusicDB reorg Plugin, which does a scheduled scan while MP is up.


    Moderator - Spanish Forums
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  • August 4, 2007
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    Spain Spain
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    I usually leave MP running, so no need for .exe version.

    So, if I'm right, If I'm sure MP is running whenever I update my music shares, I don't need MusicDB Reorg...

    And, is not enough to enable MusicShareWatcher plugin? what's the sense of the option in Music DB section inside MP config?

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