Question on frame-by-frame (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 28, 2006
Milwuakee, WI
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
My first post, so I should start off with a huge thanks to all the developers, skinners, and plug-in makers! Took a bit of time, but finally have my HTPC setup just right, grabbing OTA HD and projector all set-up. All done relatively on the cheap; spare parts PC, homemade antenna, DIY projector screen...

My question: Is there a frame-by-frame forward or back option for timeshifting TV, DVD or video? I have searched the forums and read the documentation, but may have missed it.

Not sure if it matters - I am using a MCE v2 remote, but have a keyboard handy as well; I am running 0.2.2 with SVN 01-08-2007--19-59-Rev12573.

Again, big thanks to everyone that made me look like a genius over the past few weeks with my buddies over watching American football.


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