Radio Guide functionality (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 5, 2005
MediaPortal Version: 1.1.0 RC2
MediaPortal Skin: Any
Leaving the rest as I don't believe it's relevant

There are a few niggles in the Radio Guide, such as the fact that it won't properly hide the "All Channels" group, but there's one bit of functionality from the TV Guide that's missing: recording indicators.

In the TV Guide there is an indicator showing if a programme is being recorded - Black Glass simply highlights the programme in red, Blue3 does the same but also uses icons to show if it's a stand-alone or series recording, but it's always clear at a glance. The only way to find out in the guide if a radio programme is being recorded is to go into its Record/Programme Info menu. In TV Guide, bringing up the Menu for a programme shows "Edit Recording" if it's scheduled, or Record if it's not, but the Radio Guide doesn't know so can't show a different menu option.

I hope I'm putting this in the right place. I've searched the forums and bugtracker and can't find this exact issue. It's not a bug report, and it's not exactly a feature request as the functionality exists in one guide and not the other. More a feature parity request, I suppose. Don't get me wrong, it's way better than it used to be: in MP 0.2.3 I don't think you could record radio at all, and when 1.0 was released the only way was to search for a programme through My TV. It's come so far, and there's only a little further to go.


Portal Member
December 5, 2005
I take some of this back - this might be a skinning issue after all. Looking closer I see that a scheduled programme is shown in red when it's highlighted, and in Blue3 the same icon shows as in the TV Guide, but on neither skin is anything apparent without highlighting the show. I've checked other skins too - XFactor and Fidelity give no sign at all, but I've no idea now whether it's down to mediaportal itself or the skins. Skimming the code earlier suggests the former, but I've got to look a lot closer to figure out what's actually going on in there.

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