random TV-Service crashes (1 Viewer)


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 6, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    I've random TV-Service crashes. I'm sure, it is a problem with the epg grabber. Without grabbing EPG the TV-Service runs "rock stable". I've enabled Grabbing while Idle. Grabbing while timeshift seems to work

    Plz take a look at the logs (error log attached)

    the last entrys ...

    TV - Log
    2009-01-02 02:21:25.898625 [15]: WaitForPMT: Timed out waiting for PMT after 15,09375 seconds. Increase the PMT timeout value?
    2009-01-02 02:21:54.711125 [15]: card: Tuner locked: True
    2009-01-02 02:21:54.898625 [15]: **************************************************
    2009-01-02 02:21:54.898625 [15]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 77, SIGNAL QUALITY: 100 *****
    2009-01-02 02:21:54.898625 [15]: **************************************************
    2009-01-02 02:21:54.898625 [15]: card: tuned user: epg subchannel: 0
    2009-01-02 02:21:54.898625 [15]: user:epg add
    2009-01-02 02:21:54.992375 [DVB EPG timer]: dvb:grab epg...
    2009-01-02 02:23:05.789250 [SetupTv]: Exception in setuptv
    2009-01-02 02:23:05.789250 [SetupTv]: System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs

    TSWriter LOG
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.164 epg: set callback
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.164 EpgScanner::GrabEPG
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.164 epg:GrabEPG
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.164 epg:ResetEPG()
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.179 epg:GrabEPG()
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.179 EpgScanner::GrabMHW
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.179 mhw grab
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.179 mhw reset
    02-01-2009 02:21:55.179 mhw grabber started decoders:2

    any suggestion ???



    Portal Pro
    July 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I also had the crashing problem with the DVB-EPG. This is probably caused by one channel, that sends EPG that MP has problems with.
    You could try to deactivate the EPG for all channels and then only activate for the "necessary" channels, and then go up from there, enabling one channel at a time.
    If you are lucky, the "offensive" channel is not watched by you, anyway.

    (I switched to the Clickfinder EPG by the way, with only some channels that Clickfinder does not have coming from the DVB-EPG)

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