RC1 is slow... (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 28, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Is anyone else seeing really slow performance. My laptop is not super-powerful, but it should run faster than this. Startup times are slow. Starting the config tool is slow. Playback of DVDs is choppy also. Etc...

Pentium M
1.86 GHz


Portal Member
June 23, 2007
Home Country
My setup is running fine as far as speed goes. I just timed how long it takes to start MP and it starts in just over 5 seconds from the click.

Over 110 dvds loaded now and it scrolls through them in thumbnail view without a glitch, plays them almost instantly, and no glitching at all.
My only slow bit is the tv side of things, but I am lead to belive that it's more a tv card issue than the programme itself.

My system is however a bit quicker than your laptop, but it's only really a small step over entry level PC nowdays. 1GB ram isn't much nowdays, 512 is tiny

Is your graphics card considered a "good one" or a typical laptop 2nd thought?

Also how much crap have you got running in the taskbar?


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
also because its a fresh install have a look under settings then scroll speed or something and there is the max FPS or something change it from teh default and put it on 100, that might help as well, could also perhaps try changing the MP priority in teh configuration.exe to make it a higher priority perhaps

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