record on background (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 1, 2006

First of all great program MP!!

Only with MCE you can record a program on the background. You only see a red circle in right corner of your taskbar.

Is this also possible with MP? When I record a program I want to do something else play a song or game but it is irritating when you here the sound of what you are recording.

The second thing is when I run MP in fullscreenmode the right side of MP is on my pc screen and the left side on my tv. How can I totally view it on my tv screen?

TNX Folks


Portal Pro
March 11, 2006
Michigan, USA
you didnt specify ATI or nVidia
you gotta get into the video drivers display settings
seems you are using horizontal span
I have my nVidia set to DualView

once you have that all set
start MP, open the Change Device dialog
select the secondary device at the top(even if they say the same thing)
change to fullscreen and 800x600

the pain is that you have to do this every time
good luck

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