Recorded TV playback issue (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 19, 2005

I am experiencing problems with the playback of recorded TV programs.

When I come to play the programs back they appear "postage stamped" in 4x3 off centre to the left at a size of approx 9 inches...

Its very bizarre & pretty much unwatchable. I'm not sure of the solution will it be to rewrite an aspect ratio config file as suggested in a post elsewhere on these forums & if so which 1 & with what?

I would also accept using My Videos section of MP for playback instead of going thru My TV however I'm at a loss as to where the recorded programmes are stored & in what format!

Any ideas suggestions or anything obvious I've missed would be greatly appreciated.



Area: Media Portal MyTV
MP Version: RC2
Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP Pro Ver 2002 SP2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP 3000+ @ 2.17GHz
Memory: 512
Motherboard Chipset: Nvidia Nforce2
Video Card: ATI 9700 Pro
Video Card Driver: Catalyst
Video Card Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: CyberLink DTV Video Decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder
TV Card: Twinhan MagicBox Pro DVB-T
TV Card Type: hardware / DVB
TV Card Driver:
Optional Log: parts of the "/log/MediaPortal.log" which show an issue
Optional References: any reference


Portal Member
October 19, 2005
OK, MP writes recorded TV to a file called My Recordings in My docs.

Watching the files with WMP they seem OK but watching them back with My Videos in MP they appear in their native resolution & will not stretch to fit the screen.

Further more when playing from either the recording menu in My TV or via My Videos the video remains overlaid in its original position when you exit that menu. It does not resize & appear in the little box at the bottom of the screen. This means it is impossible to see menu details in MP until stopping the video.

Enabling FFDShow in post recording has no effect.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Portal Member
October 19, 2005

Im still experiencing this aspect problem with recordings in MyTV...

I tried upgrading to RC3 however this had no effect on the problem, it was less stable & the little animation on the home screen got on my nerves so I have reverted to RC2.

Interestingly when using VMR7 I can play back recordings full screen, tho the pan & scan aspect ratio effect is still present.

Anybody have any ideas? Would a log help?

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