Recording and timeshift speed and sizes? (1 Viewer)


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  • May 17, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden

    I'm setting up a new server only running TVserver3 using a Nova-T-500 and an PVR-250, I have some questions regarding filesizes:

    Under settings for the recordings you have possibily to select either .ts or .mpg as the fileformat for recodings and timeshift, but what are actual recording/timeshift rates (Mbit/s) that are written to the disc?
    After some reading I have understood the the actual rates that are used here in Sweden for DVB-T .ts streams are 22 Mbit/s...but I'm only recoding one channel or?
    After I calculate a bit the rate would be appr 9.9 GB/h (22 Mbit/s) for DVB-T, but that isn't the rate thats used, so how do Mediaportal work?
    The PVR-250 seems to produce a rate of 4.76 Mbit/s for my .mpg recordings.

    I would like to have three simultanious recordings and two live-tv sessions, without any conflicts on the PCI-bus or discs. I planning to use one disc per/tuner and another two disc for timeshift, is this doable or is it overkill do you think?

    Another idea in this matter, is it still the setting in the Mediaportal configuration that is used when selecting the amount of time that are used for timeshifting?
    I can's seem to change the timeshift buffer as I would like to, I have set the buffer to 3 hours, but it will produce 6 files (14 min each) at 500 Mb each corresponding to appr. 90 min (2.8GB) discspace used.

    I have some thoughts about using an 4 GB USB memory for the timeshift buffers instead of an normal disc, are there any issues to think about do you think?
    It will reduce the power consumption, noise level and with these new USB devices the speed shouldn't be a problem if you dont share USB devices, or?

    Best Regards,




    MP Donator
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  • May 17, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hello out there?

    Are there not anyone that has some answers or are willing to discuss my questions?

    It would be very helpful!

    Thanks in advance.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 11, 2007
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    Germany Germany

    I'm setting up a new server only running TVserver3 using a Nova-T-500 and an PVR-250, I have some questions regarding filesizes:

    Under settings for the recordings you have possibily to select either .ts or .mpg as the fileformat for recodings and timeshift, but what are actual recording/timeshift rates (Mbit/s) that are written to the disc?

    First of all, for timeshifting it's always the .ts format being used. The size for recordings depends on the channel (it's bitrate) your recording, the average is between 4 and 6 MBit/s (0,5 - 0,75 MB/s) for SDTV.

    After some reading I have understood the the actual rates that are used here in Sweden for DVB-T .ts streams are 22 Mbit/s...but I'm only recoding one channel or?
    After I calculate a bit the rate would be appr 9.9 GB/h (22 Mbit/s) for DVB-T, but that isn't the rate thats used, so how do Mediaportal work?
    The PVR-250 seems to produce a rate of 4.76 Mbit/s for my .mpg recordings.

    The mentioned 22 MBit/s could be a whole mux, or a transponder or HDTV, I don't know, the 4,76 MBit/s is the value you are after for SDTV.

    I would like to have three simultanious recordings and two live-tv sessions, without any conflicts on the PCI-bus or discs. I planning to use one disc per/tuner and another two disc for timeshift, is this doable or is it overkill do you think?

    That's an overkill, I can record 6 streams and watch 1 simultaneously using the same HDD, which is an old 5400 rpm one. Splitting recordings and timeshifting still makes sence though, since the timeshift HDD is more likely to die earlier.
    This might be different for HDTV.

    Another idea in this matter, is it still the setting in the Mediaportal configuration that is used when selecting the amount of time that are used for timeshifting?
    I can's seem to change the timeshift buffer as I would like to, I have set the buffer to 3 hours, but it will produce 6 files (14 min each) at 500 Mb each corresponding to appr. 90 min (2.8GB) discspace used.

    With TVe3 (TV-Server) the settings in MP don't affect the actual timeshift-time/size anymore. You have to use timeshift options under general settings. (That will explain the 6 files @ 500MB each).

    It shows the average 0,6 MB/s again aswell.

    I have some thoughts about using an 4 GB USB memory for the timeshift buffers instead of an normal disc, are there any issues to think about do you think?
    It will reduce the power consumption, noise level and with these new USB devices the speed shouldn't be a problem if you dont share USB devices, or?

    That should be possible, 4 GB at average bitrate should give ~90m of timeshift buffer. (8 files @ ~500MB)

    Kind Regards,


    MP Donator
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  • July 31, 2006
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I have some thoughts about using an 4 GB USB memory for the timeshift buffers instead of an normal disc, are there any issues to think about do you think?
    It will reduce the power consumption, noise level and with these new USB devices the speed shouldn't be a problem if you dont share USB devices, or?

    I tried that recently with a 4GB Samsung USB Stick and it didn't work. :(
    I think the tranfer rate (writing!) is not fast enough compared to a HDD. When I used the USB stick, the TV was stuttering and not watchable any more.


    MP Donator
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  • September 17, 2005
    USB stick is not a HDD. Apart from the speed, it's not designated to have writes all the time. It's lifetime will shorten if you keep writing to it.

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