Regular Expressions question (1 Viewer)


New Member
July 1, 2006
Hey all, just one quick questions from a new mediaportal user. I have been an xbmc user for a couple years and i have decided to make the jump to a more powerful media center. I do have one question though. Where do i change the settings for reg exp for video stacking? I read that most people use movie cd-1, movie cd-2 for stacking however all of my files have already been renamed in the style of movie-1, movie-2 I already know the regex string that will make it stack them in this way i just dont know where the setting to change the stacking criteria is. Any help would be great. Cheers.


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    sorry, there is no feature like that. Would be nice, but currently you would have to change the sourcecode....

    Only name-cd1, name-cd2, etc. works. (yet)



    New Member
    July 1, 2006
    Ok thanks for the help, i have gone through and renamed my files accordingly and then edited the regular expressions on my version of xbmc to act accordingly. Now i have a few other questions.

    1. I have searched extensively and i know from my time messing with xbmc how to change keys in the keymap however what i would really like to do is chang the function of the rightclick mouse button in the videos section. I would like the rightclick button to bring up the imdb info for the selected item.

    2. This one actually pertains to the previous one as well. I am hoping to have multiple computers set up around the home as media centers. Unfortunatley that means that some people that will be using them might "accidently" damage things without knowing it if they have too many options. That is why i wanted to remove the menu options in the video view so they cant remove items from the database or delete files etc. What is the easiest way to remove menu items and "admin" privelages? I had originally tried to edit the xml for the video menu so that the only option available would be imdb lookup but i couldnt find the appropriate menu in the skins folders so i thought it might just be easier to change the function of the rightclick mouse key so that menu would not be available.

    3. I have edited some of the menus on the homeplugin just messing around. Now i cant seem to get them back to the original, anyway of doing so? Right now i just disabled home plugin.

    4. My Tv episodes are saved in multiple locations and i have them all renamed in way that they are easily browsed with a "file" view. Can i change the Mytv menu item so it takes me to a multi share "file" view of all my tv episodes(I have no tv capture card on this computer so all the recording options are useless atm)? Is multishortcutplugin my best option for achieving this?

    I have searched for info on these questions and not found the answers i am looking for and i have also tried via trial and error to achieve the results on my own (see my problem with homeplugin :wink: ) Any help would be great. Cheers.

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