Remote do not work using WinLirc (1 Viewer)


New Member
August 21, 2007
Hello there,

i got :
- a technisat ir-remotecontrol
- ir receiver connected to the local COM port
- winlirc working ( which means it recognizes the commands comming from the RC)

I installed the MP stable version and checked the checkbox which says "Enable to ..." for WinLirc
The infotextfield beneath that Checkbox says , if i enable this option here and give the right path to my winlirc installation (which i did), it would start automatically when i launch MP.

That failed .... is there anything what i must do to make that work?!?




New Member
January 27, 2008
Home Country
Argentina Argentina
Hi kingsteff (or any other for that matter)

Were you able to get it working? I am having the same problem, with same remote (skystar 2). And have tried what you did, and also installing the winlirc plugin. With no luck.

Winlirc works great (as green light comes on next to bar clock with every button press), but does nothing to MP.

I wonder if the problem is on setting up the correct port for IP, and how can I assign a port on the winlirc program itself??? :/


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