Request: EPG-Filter (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
January 3, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
hi there,

playing around with mp as a newbie (at the moment still using sceneo, but willing to change asap), i have a big request to you coding-guys ;)


afaik, the only way to watch and search my epg-data in MP, is within the timeline-view.

in my case, i barely watch live-tv. for the few times i want do see a documentation, the timeline is shure good enough - and of course, i don't need any epg to know, when the simpsons are on air ;)

BUT - i constantly record movies, cut out the commercials and add them to my movie-library. i usually search the epg one week in advance - and as you might imagine, it is really hard work to "filter" out movies for one week out of 25 channels in the timeline manually.

solution / request:

some kind of "epg-filter"-plugin would be (hopefully not only for me) a very useful thing.

my idea would be quite simple:

in the plugin you are able to choos a variety of genres (movie, series, documentation, talkshow,...) and after that you get a simple list of the upcoming shows of the chosen genre in chronological order. this could look somehow like this:


by selecting one of the shows, the description/details-window pops up just like in the timeline...

thats it - my simple basic-idea, maybe other users, who want a little more comfort for their epg data besides the timeline, might have more ideas...

and hopefully, one of the coders here will find my idea as useful as i do and will soon start writing a nice plugin ;)

thx in advance for reading, discussion welcome,



Portal Member
January 3, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
AW: Request: EPG-Filter


just to make clear: "genre" does not mean "comedy", "drama" or "thriller" - only main genres, just as "movie", "series", "documentation" - and these are found right in the epg-data.

i'm not 100% shure about dvb-data, but they are definetely to be found in clickfinder, for example...


Portal Member
January 3, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
AW: Request: EPG-Filter


tvwishlist is definitely a "must have" for me, but it does not suite to my wish.

tvwichlist assumes, that i already know, which movie i wish to see, and - whenever it is on air, it records i for me.

in my case, i do NOT know, what i want to record, but i want to see, wich movies are coming up in the next view days and then decide, wich of them i want to record...


can i just search for "all movies"??? if so, my request is obsolete, shure...

but as far as i understand, i only can search for "comedy" for example - and this could then be a comedy movie, or even a comedy sitcom, or a comedy show....



Portal Member
January 3, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
AW: Request: EPG-Filter

ok, maybe "genre" is not the right word here - as english is not my native language, we might have a missunderstanding here - i'm sorry, i don't know a "better" word ;)

but as you can see here, the website can provide a filtered list for movies (or series, sports, news, .....):


also can do:


and even old, non-developed sceneo-bonavista can:


i'm shure, all other tv-guide websites in all the other countrys can do this also (and therefore provide the neccesary data) and at least i feel confident, that this would also be possible in MP ;)

hope, i could have made myself a little clearer and could wipe out a few misunderstandings, if there were some...

Edit: isn't - following your link - not only the first "0x1" the information, we would need? ;)


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  • April 2, 2008
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    Re: AW: Request: EPG-Filter

    Edit: isn't - following your link - not only the first "0x1" the information, we would need? ;)

    Yes, if the data is received via DVB it should cover what defines a movie. For XML-sources this is probably not consistent, but that's another story...

    So...who's up to the task adding support in the TV-Plugin?

    I would find it useful too...



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  • January 27, 2005
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    can i just search for "all movies"??? if so, my request is obsolete, shure...

    but as far as i understand, i only can search for "comedy" for example - and this could then be a comedy movie, or even a comedy sitcom, or a comedy show....

    There is (as far as I know) no "movie" genre... just like there is no "music" genre. Music can be ambient, rock, pop, soul etc. and movies (or series) can be romance, drama, thriller etc.

    This all comes down to what EPG data you have. In my list of genres (I have 42) there is Film and Music.

    If you EPG guide has much more general genres then I am not sure how you would implement you idea anyway.

    If you have 7 days worth of EPG data for 40 channels that is still a lot of programs, how can MP tell which ones are films, which are documentaries, which are talk shows etc?

    At some point you have to add this info to your EPG data for MP to know what type of program it is and then the search functionality does what you ask.

    So if your EPG data does not already contain this data then perhaps you want to look elsewhere for your EPG data. There is a WebEPG plugin which has grabbers for and already setup so perhaps they might work for you? Or if you want to use then perhaps you could write a WebEPG grabber or request that someone does this for you

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