Request: EPG-Filter (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 3, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
AW: Re: Request: EPG-Filter

I would find it useful too...
so at least i'm not alone - thank you ;)

There is a WebEPG plugin which has grabbers for and already setup so perhaps they might work for you?
ok, as far, as i understand by now, i just had to get a grabber-file, that provides me the data, that i need to make the search-funktion suitable for my needs.

i tried a lot today, and as it seems, provides this data, but the grabber just don't get it.

a pity i have no idea, how to write such a grabber - i even have no idea, where this grabber-file is to be found on my system, so:

or request that someone does this for you

...this is, why i started this thread ;)

is someone willling to help me and change this grabber or write a new one?


Portal Member
January 3, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
AW: Request: EPG-Filter

ok, i've been working long last night - at least i found all the stuff i needed (not where i expected this...) and with some try and error i managed WebEPG to download to download the genre-information from :D

this is one step forward, BUT: the genre information is provided in a syntax like:

"movie/drama", "movie/thriller" or "documentation/science" (sometimes even something like: "documentation/science/kids")

now, my question to the xml-freaks ;) : would it be possible to simply "ignore" everything AFTER the first slash?
in this case i had what i wanted: movies, no matther what genre, series, no matter what type of...and so on ;)

would be great, if someone had an idea and could help me - and it would be the last step to change to MP right now :D

@admins/mods: as this seems not to be a plugin-request anymore, please feel free to move the thread to where it belongs....

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