We have more items in homescreen, some of them are always visible, some are only there if playback is running. Following images could need a refresh, as they use the Reflexion ones (they are good, but fit better into Reflexion than into Titanium). So here is my "wish list": Always: Browse Media (access all kind of media, audio, video, images), Videos (general), Party Music Player, Playlists Playing: Player Configuration, Current Media Info, Fullscreen Video/Audio Vizualisation, Show video/image playlist For Titanium I would need only rectangle shaped images, round borders are applied by skin using OpacityMask
Browse All Media
Videos (General)
Party Music Player
Are all the above buttons for the home screen?
Do you still require these?
What resolution do you want or can you provide link to somewhere that has existing buttons so I can maintain consistency
Player Configuration
Current Media Info
Fullscreen Video/Audio Vizualisation
Show video/image playlist
Are these also home screen buttons of the same size + look+feel?
Is it button for [Fullscreen video/audio visualization] or two buttons [full screen video] and [full screen audio visualization]
Is it button for [Show video/image playlist] or two buttons [Show video playlist] and [Show image playlist] , what about audio playlist?
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