I'm running on a TV via VGA->SCART using powerstrip @ 1024 x 600.
I've set up the overscan options in MP to shrink -12 top and bottom,
so that the final screen is 1024 x 576.
This is good for PAL/DVD I think.
Now I'd like the UI to run within a slightly smaller window again as there is still too much overscan for some UI elements.
There is a setup-ui calib screen that allows for horizontal and vertical offset adjustment of the UI. Is it possible to extend this to also include horizontal and vertical scaling ?
This then would affect *only the UI* - NOT fullscreen.
I've set up the overscan options in MP to shrink -12 top and bottom,
so that the final screen is 1024 x 576.
This is good for PAL/DVD I think.
Now I'd like the UI to run within a slightly smaller window again as there is still too much overscan for some UI elements.
There is a setup-ui calib screen that allows for horizontal and vertical offset adjustment of the UI. Is it possible to extend this to also include horizontal and vertical scaling ?
This then would affect *only the UI* - NOT fullscreen.