Respect! Don't wine! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 23, 2007
Hi all,
I am not a developer of mediaportal myself, but am a developer.... and felt the need to say the following after browsing some posts....


I have been around this form for a while now and have noticed a lot of real bad complaining about Mediaportal which most of the times is not justified whatsoever....

I have been running Mediaportal for quite some time now and it took me some time to LEARN some things about it, but please... People.... Realize that you are using FREE SOFTWARE here, created by guys that have a passion for what they do. If that all wouldn't be true, you wouldn't have anything of what you have now for nothing.


When you find a bug, stop flaming and complaining and wining... Instead, try to do ALL you can, so you contribute, and make bug reports rich of information and not of complaints and wining. It seems needless to say to me, but I think it is just very disrespectful of some of you and I think I would have already walked away if I was one of the programmers thinking to myself... Go do it yourself....

So, Developers, great work. I believe Mediaportal is truely the best Versatile mediacenter available at the moment and thats a really great achievement, specially for an opensource project like this. Keep up the good work!



Portal Pro
April 26, 2006
Home Country
Greece Greece
Man I am sure most people here do respect the work of the devs and I am sure most people here understand how an open-source project works. People have real lives, it is understandable that at (smaller or bigger) times they may loose interest on the project (or other "Real Life" things need catching up). It is also understandable that the needs of some or not necessarily the same with the needs of others.

But, you have to accept that some people (not necessarily devs and not necessarily people in here, I talk in general), don't accept criticism at all (there is constructive criticism that pushes things forward sometimes).

What I have noticed here (a lot) is that sometimes there is no "correct" way to request something (or even info on something) without getting (more or less) attacked.

So respect for the devs by the users, understanding of the users by the ops.

Keep up the good work people (and I hope someone completes Home code so that I can move on from 0.2.1 some time).


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    I agree.

    NLS: You were all over the place earlier - what happened?

    Also: "# MediaPortal home
    11/03/2007 [19:26h] Bavarian added: adding home menu sorting to config "
    - does this solve your problem? "Home code"?


    Portal Pro
    April 26, 2006
    Home Country
    Greece Greece
    Nothing really, I am just more relaxed, read more, talk less and wait for MP to catch up with... MP (because it really is under major changes). Also I cannot afford any more experiments directly on my living-room machine (WAF is low now, so I don't want to stretch things).

    As for the Home plugin change, I read about it, but I am not sure if it fulfills all I need. I have already asked Bavarian, but I think creating submenus (was in the old Home) is not there yet and I need it.

    CONTENT REMOVED BY ADMIN (starting flamewars again)

    What was wrong with "Okay"? Much easier to address you. :D

    Now back to the topic before someone "moderates"? :)


    Portal Pro
    January 26, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    NLS, please stop those comments. Thanks.

    If you don't wanna get moderated, stop those flamewars.

    This is the very, very, very last warning you're getting.

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