RSS Feed on the home page - Few Questions... (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 15, 2008
Home Country
England England
At the moment, I am just testing using Indigo at the moment, but adding the feed to other skins is easy as pie!

Also, for the RSS feed, I am using the Home plugins config dialog in Configuration at the moment, so the user can set the RSS feed, and an Icon if not in the database if they so wish. The BBC one is just the default.


Portal Member
April 15, 2008
Home Country
England England
EDIT : Managed to get it working on my TEST HTPC, so i will upload it in a little while.

Ok, this is FAR from a perfect, and stable version...

To Use :

- unzip to anywhere on your PC
- Run Configuration
- Make sure....
- Skin is set to Indigo
- Basic home is ON


- Go to plugins
- Go to Home, click Config
- Navigate to RSS Details
- Change Feed.

If you wish to play about with the feed's etc, there is a file in the main folder called RSS.txt You will need to edit this to change which feed's you can choose. The file is set out like :

Rss Feed Name, Rss Feed Location, Rss Feed Image (to be made into a .png and put in the Indigo\Home folder)


BBC News UK,,1

In the Config, you can also show how many items are displayed and what icons are used to seperate them.

Please try and get Bug Reports into me tonight, because next week I am away.

File Link For JUST the files you need Here


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  • October 1, 2007
    Roma, Italia
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    Hi,i've downloaded your file and extracted the "Debug" folder but i'm not really sure if i'm supposed to start Configuration from that folder and i really don't know if it's safe(causing some conflict with the real MP installation).

    Edit:Ok,now i have the other file...i will try it right now:D


    Portal Pro
    October 17, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    EDIT : Managed to get it working on my TEST HTPC, so i will upload it in a little while.

    Ok, this is FAR from a perfect, and stable version...

    To Use :

    - unzip to anywhere on your PC
    - Run Configuration
    - Make sure....
    - Skin is set to Indigo
    - Basic home is ON


    - Go to plugins
    - Go to Home, click Config
    - Navigate to RSS Details
    - Change Feed.

    Just tried this on my development system and seems to work without any issues, for the optional was manatory though, and did copy in the RSS.txt file but had to do the optional part least it did not function amd throught a file not found error in the error log.

    Good job all round, may look at what skin changes are required to get this working for Aeon wide...



    Retired Team Member
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  • October 1, 2007
    Roma, Italia
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    Indeed...the plugin is working but for me there are two possible issues:

    1)I don't have the topbar in BasicHome(so the only way to exit MP is to use your remote)
    2)If you are watching TV or anything else and you are going back to basichome there's an overlay issue(maybe this only my fault because the skin is not optimized for my 1080i resolution)-screenshot attached


    Portal Member
    April 15, 2008
    Home Country
    England England
    Fantastic, Will get on with fixing those issues now! Is it useable?

    Thanks a lot Pretoriano.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 1, 2007
    Roma, Italia
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    Romania Romania
    Fantastic, Will get on with fixing those issues now! Is it useable?

    Thanks a lot Pretoriano.

    It's working great,now i will try other feeds and i will let you i hope we will get skinners support.And btw is my pleasure to help you guys,i'm not good with programing stuff so i want to help MP community in some way;)


    Community Skin Designer
    March 27, 2008
    I have ported it to aeon and posted it up in that forum, thanks Jakeymouse!

    Here is A Screenie

    RSS Feed.jpg

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