ruinin such a lot of work (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 24, 2015
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Bahamas Bahamas
why dont you add a config icon once the program is installed ???

cos so far, after loking in the doc and the content of my program files folder
I still cant fucking figure out how to configure that mediaportal 2

witch is the first bloody thing one is going to do after installing your software
I mean why would my media files be where the default config is pointing ?? no way this is going to happen
no matter wich soft one uses

so i'll uninstall it and go for another software made by obviously more clever people

idots !


Portal Pro
February 15, 2011
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Belgium Belgium
You can find the settings in mediaportal client. And no we are not idiots


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  • July 11, 2011
    Arlington Heights, Illinois
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    Ok... lets not get carried away here.
    Just because someone did not read all the information on the software and thinks it is best to take it out on everyone else here is no reasion to jump on the band wagon.
    Because of that message, I have made a suggestion to the Dev's to possibly have the installer give an option to start MP2 (and maybe go directly into Settings) in an effort to help newbies understand where everything is....

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