Running A Second HD Panel ??? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 30, 2006

I'm looking for some advise on the best way to run a second HD panel from my media portal box.
This is a run down on my current setup.

Media Portal
AMD 2800+ Sempron
9600 Radeon

Very basic setup (as this is my first media box).
I am currently running HDMI to my Panasonic AE700 projector, and using optical cable to my receiver for sound.

Now, I am about to install a new Philips LCD in another room of the house. I have worked out that the cable length would be about 22m from the media box to the new LCD.

So, i'm looking for ideas on how to run a second panel off the same media box.
I am thinking of the following:
Install an HDMI splitter in the ceiling (big cost i believe, about 350USD ??)
Run an analog audio cable (should be ok over that length ?? )

What do you guys (and ladies) think ??



Portal Pro
July 30, 2006
Projector is running 1080i, i wanna stick with 1080i for the lcd also.
Unless you can think of a way i can run 1080p :p


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
i think Krhis might have been trying to say , are your plans to have different things on each tv? as technically i dont' think you can run 2 seperate things on 2 seperate screens with one box, so it will only essentially a clone of whats on the projector


Portal Pro
July 30, 2006
oh, hehehehehe
I only use one or the other. I totally understand that it will be a clone. I'm really just trying to see that i'm doing it the right way.
Has anyone used a HDMI splitter ?? Is there anyway to carry the audio in the HDMI cable ??
I'm no guru :p

Thanks guys


Portal Pro
May 7, 2006
Home Country
England England
I believe HDMI is designed to carry audio, what (DTS PCM, Dolby) depends on the specification that has been employed. The difficulty is how to get the audio and video signal into the same cable as I'm sure you are aware both a coming from different cards.

The other thing you might need to feedback is some form of control signal for remote or keyboard.


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    Some of the newer video cards offer a digital input on them so the outputted HDMI will have both the audio and video. Only seen it on a budget card though definately not gaming.


    Portal Pro
    July 30, 2006
    May have to look into one of those cards. Only running a budget card now. Its only used for media media, not gaming.
    As for remote. A simple iR repeater should do the job nicely. Unless someone is going to make me a server type plugin that i can access using my Nokia N80 web browser ;-)

    cheers for feed back people, i think we are heading in the right direction.


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2006
    Home Country
    Of course the soon to be released client - server version of Media Portal will suit you down the the ground. You can just extend your main Media Portal (now a server) with a cat5 cable to a new client (IP will go 22m not sure that HDMI will), plus of course all the added features that will give you.


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