schedule series by keyword ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 13, 2007
Home Country
Belgium Belgium

Is it possible to create a series recording based on a keyword ? I know that there is a "search by keyword" function and from what that search found you can create a series, but that is not exactly what I was looking for:

For example, when I create a series recording "earth investigated", then I would like it to automatically record:

"Earth Investigated: SuperVolcanos"
"Earth Investigated: Asteroid Attack"
"Earth Investigated: Bermuda Triangle"


The key factor here is that at the time that I create the series, I do not know every episode's full title, I just know that they will have a common part in the title.

Another situation where this is also very helpfull as some shows sometimes change the title slightly when it is the finals. For example:

(from VTM)

Idool 2007
Idool 2007 : de finale


I am new to Media Portal / TVengine (I am just setting this up for the first time) but I have been using SageTV for years. The last example I gave I learned the hard way :(

I don't think this feature is available in MP. Does anybody know how to do this ? (Maybe with a plugin?)


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