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I have been watching Mediportal HDTV channels in Australia (Melbourne) for the past 2 weeks on my new Plasma screen.

Channel 9 comes in perfectly at the original source format (16:9).

Channel 10, ABC also perfect

Channel 7 comes in about 10 centimetres short on each side and at the top - If I change aspect ratio to normal it pushes the picture out to the edges (but I think it is called over scanning).

Is there problems with 7 and SD broadcasts?

Can I set the aspect ratio per channel? or have I got an incorrect setup?

Area: Media Portal Program

MP Version: 0.2RC2 24Jan06 CVS

Skin: BlueTwo

Windows Version: XP Professional with SP2 and all updates

CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP 3000+

Memory: 1gb

Motherboard Chipset: ASUS A8V Deluxe

Video Card: GigaByte GV-R955128D (ATI Radeon 9550)

Video Card Driver: ATI Radeon v5.6

Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless

Video Codec Type & Version: Zulu Divico BDA

Audio Codec Type & Version: DScaler

TV Card: Dvico FusionHDTV DVB-T Lite

TV Card Type: DVB-T

TV Card Driver: FusionHDTV 3.2 Official version(Web)

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