Shares view no item gets focus or selection (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 5, 2007
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My MP3 files are organized as folders for albums. In Shares view for Music and icons List, I browse through MP3 folders and when finally I get into a folder no item gets focus, or allows selection. Neither with the keyboard nor with the mouse. In order to get the view working, I switch layout to any available option.

While debugging I figured out that:
1. GUIMusicFiles
protected override bool AllowView(View view)
method returns false for GUIMusicFiles.View.Albums. So internally GUIMusicFiles does not support Album view and bypasses to the following list view type.

2. However when i double click on the MP3 album folder to see the files, GUIFacadeViewControl's view mode is set to GUIFacadeViewControl.ViewMode.AlbumView if the folder's settings were not modified previously. Later I recognized that this is the default view for the virtual share. However this view must not be allowed (as the 1. item says)

Any ideas?

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