Can anyone test this if this works?
I have just changed the codeline for the thumbnails.
its from TvRecorded.cs from line number 780
For testing you can put some png images on the tv\thumbs folder if this are visible in the list istead of the standart image.
And yes if this works, please add this to the SVN!!!
I will then update my Thumbnailer plugin to create the png for the recordîngs
its an older SVN code above with the thumb line...
P.S. second
The orginal code line:
returns a empty string (""), not a null... the Thumbs.TVRecorded are correct setted and the filename "aRecording.FileName" are also correct...but just on the methods around this line are something wrong/broken???
Patch and TvPlugin_20227 attached!
I have just changed the codeline for the thumbnails.
its from TvRecorded.cs from line number 780
private static GUIListItem BuildItemFromRecording(Recording aRecording)
string strDefaultUnseenIcon = GUIGraphicsContext.Skin + @"\Media\defaultVideoBig.png";
string strDefaultSeenIcon = GUIGraphicsContext.Skin + @"\Media\defaultVideoSeenBig.png";
GUIListItem item = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aRecording.Title))
item = new GUIListItem(aRecording.Title);
item.TVTag = aRecording;
//string strLogo = Utils.GetCoverArt(Thumbs.TVRecorded, Utils.SplitFilename(Path.ChangeExtension(aRecording.FileName, Utils.GetThumbExtension())));
[COLOR=red][B]string strLogo = Thumbs.TVRecorded + @"\" + Path.ChangeExtension(Utils.SplitFilename(aRecording.FileName), ".png");[/B][/COLOR]
if (!File.Exists(strLogo))
strLogo = Utils.GetCoverArt(Thumbs.TVChannel, aRecording.ReferencedChannel().DisplayName);
if (!File.Exists(strLogo))
strLogo = aRecording.TimesWatched > 0 ? strDefaultSeenIcon : strDefaultUnseenIcon;
string strLogoL = Utils.ConvertToLargeCoverArt(strLogo);
if (File.Exists(strLogoL))
item.IconImageBig = strLogoL;
item.IconImageBig = strLogo;
item.ThumbnailImage = strLogo;
item.IconImage = strLogo;
//Mark the recording with a "rec. symbol" if it is an active recording.
if (IsRecordingActual(aRecording))
item.PinImage = Thumbs.TvRecordingIcon;
Log.Warn("TVRecorded: invalid recording title for {0}", aRecording.FileName);
catch (NullReferenceException singleex)
Log.Warn("TVRecorded: error building item from recording {0} - {1}", aRecording.FileName, singleex.Message);
return item;
For testing you can put some png images on the tv\thumbs folder if this are visible in the list istead of the standart image.
And yes if this works, please add this to the SVN!!!
I will then update my Thumbnailer plugin to create the png for the recordîngs
its an older SVN code above with the thumb line...
P.S. second
The orginal code line:
string strLogo = Utils.GetCoverArt(Thumbs.TVRecorded, Utils.SplitFilename(Path.ChangeExtension(aRecording.FileName, Utils.GetThumbExtension())));
returns a empty string (""), not a null... the Thumbs.TVRecorded are correct setted and the filename "aRecording.FileName" are also correct...but just on the methods around this line are something wrong/broken???
Patch and TvPlugin_20227 attached!