This error was reported by someone a few pages back - you need to update the files BUT i'd wait until there is a new version available as some people are reporting errors with the current build...
I have not looked at trailers in a while (they were working well before), though I just went to watch a trailer, and encountered an error. When I tried to play the downloaded trailer from windows, it also did not work (Quicktime would not play it). I also have the grabber to download high quality trailers, yet all files are 24.6KB. I don't quite understand this. When I go to apple trailers website, they stream just fine. I've attached one of the trailers for completeness sake and the msta.log.
I have not looked at trailers in a while (they were working well before), though I just went to watch a trailer, and encountered an error. When I tried to play the downloaded trailer from windows, it also did not work (Quicktime would not play it). I also have the grabber to download high quality trailers, yet all files are 24.6KB. I don't quite understand this. When I go to apple trailers website, they stream just fine. I've attached one of the trailers for completeness sake and the msta.log.
Please use the lastest MTSA and the latest plaugin in first post.
G'Day. Can't wait to get this plugin working! Great instructions/package btw.
Problem: I'm a first-time user of the plugin, never seen it in action just yet. It appears as though the MTSA.exe grabber returns nothing for my city/postcode I'm in Aussie-land and my city is "Canberra" (Other Australians: Don't hold that against me..) Postcode is '2906'.
I don't know where the plugin scrapes so I can't test it myself, perhaps there is no problem with the exe and it's simply that 'Canberra' returns no results
At any rate, could I get some help please? Would LOVE to get this working. Such a great idea for a media centre, I'm sure everyone is already movie-centric. Thanks!
G'Day. Can't wait to get this plugin working! Great instructions/package btw.
Problem: I'm a first-time user of the plugin, never seen it in action just yet. It appears as though the MTSA.exe grabber returns nothing for my city/postcode I'm in Aussie-land and my city is "Canberra" (Other Australians: Don't hold that against me..) Postcode is '2906'.
I don't know where the plugin scrapes so I can't test it myself, perhaps there is no problem with the exe and it's simply that 'Canberra' returns no results
At any rate, could I get some help please? Would LOVE to get this working. Such a great idea for a media centre, I'm sure everyone is already movie-centric. Thanks!
Yahoo site has changed, please be patient. I'm working on it...
Meanwhile, please, post your mtsa.lof file.
X mdg78
I've fixed the problem. I'll release a new version soon.
Thanks, this works great. Trailers seem to download as they should.
It now gets an error on "Zombieland", though is able to recognize it and move past it (which it did not seem to be able to do before. Its still downloading trailers, but error is:
2009-11-10 13.49.26 Error parsing results from web service. Error: Root element is missing.
I'll attach the mtsa.log soon (it's still downloading, but when I checked the log I saw that).
Thanks for all of your work.
Check first post.