ShowTimes Plugin Suite V2 (2009/12/30) (1 Viewer)

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  • May 30, 2006
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    Italy Italy
    Lately i got an error message when MP start also the data are update only if i do a manual download from the config menu. I tried to reinstall the mtsa.exe but same problem.
    i add file log + pic with the error.

    Try this:


    Thx Nephilim so far with the new mtsa.exe it work fine



    Portal Pro
    September 5, 2009
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    Poland Poland
    Unfortunately for my city Warsaw in Poland it also doesn't work. It grabs just 1 title and hangs up. My log in attach. Maybe it has something to do with encoding page ?
    hope it helps


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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    Nephilim, hope you will take a look at my post from earlier and try to add that feature..

    I have a few more questions:

    * When did the plugin stop downloading the poster images? It makes the quick list browsing hard since there is a delay when selecting a movie which image has not been preloaded yet..
    EDIT: about this, it might be because i have Poster Quality set to "None" in config. I'll retest now.. Yup, ignore this.. I have set it to high and the posters were downloaded..

    * When updating the data, Showtimes always says "Showtimes updated 0 days of data. Next update on (one hour after now)" and it keeps updating the data every hour. But the data is all there, it updated for all 7 days, as i have in config.. I'm attaching log and config files.



    • Showtimes.rar
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2008
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi Nephilim,

    This is a must have plugin you are maintaining ! Movie majors should pay you for making trailers browsing so convenient and easy It makes us want to got to the movies or rent more movies than we did before ! :D

    I have 2 suggestions for improvement :
    1) already pointed out by SilentExcept here: when returning to the movies list, the first item is selected instead of the latest viewed. This makes browsing less convenient
    2) saving a "favorites movies" list in order to remember which movies are on your "to watch" list. This can be done by writing the current movie details to a file or by saving the trailer + the details.

    I even imagine a 2nd step where Showtimes could notify me when one of my "favorite movies" is about not to show anymore at my selected theaters, or when the DVD is released for sale / rent... This would help in not missing movies you want to watch.


    Thank you again


    Portal Pro
    September 18, 2009
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    Hi Nephilim!

    How is it going? :) I still can't make MTSA work on my Windows. I tried to change the code page of the whole system but no result :( When I tried to do it in Italian, I got a message (no accents, sorry): "Si e verificato un errore in MTSA. L'applicazione verra chiusa. Potrebbe essersi verificata la perdita dei dati su cui si stava lavorando." How do you think? Is the code page the cause of the whole thing?


    Extension Developer
    February 8, 2007
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    X wawa79

    Thank you very much! Great ideas, i'll try to develop them)or part of them) ASAP...

    X chlodny

    I'm really sorry, i have had some serious trouble in my real life... :(
    But now all seems to be solved! :D
    So i'll try to solve the problem ASAP.



    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Is it possible to release the next version for MPEI? I am having the porblem that showtimes is using the old MPI and since I remade my system and only installed RC1 I don't have no MPI on my system and can't install showtimes.
    It would make showtimes more convenient if it uses MPEI.
    And maybe you can set it up in a way that it will install the mtsa to a specific folder and put all data right into that folder so that one can really install showtimes just by running the installer and not having to put the mtsa somewhere.

    I would greatly appreciate it.


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    If you want to install this with RC1 right click on the mpi file and choose the second open with option (mpi installer)
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