Ongoing Shuttle ST62K HTPC (1 Viewer)


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  • September 15, 2004
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I'm doing Design at University, no 75 pages of writing but time consuming none the less!

    I've got to replace my current PC with a PowerMac sometime this year before I build the HTPC, so the HTPC will replace my old PC as a grunty Windows gaming machine.

    So that's part of the reason I want to go with the GeForce 6200 card, the other part being the component output it comes with, so I can output to my 32in HDTV. Can't wait to see Quake 3, etc!

    I chose the Shuttle SN45G1 or Soltek EQ3702M mainly for their nForce2 Soundstorm APU's, also because I want to keep the cost down (Means more money to spend on the PowerMac). An Athlon 2800+ is sufficient for playing back HD, so that's as far as I need to go. PVR150MCE should be sufficient as well, although I sway towards the 500 at times.

    It should be cool enough in there...


    Ahh...I've had 2 cousins who did design, one more towards computers and the other traditional print design. Deadlines deadlines deadlines!

    I'm assuming you want a gaming machine that's easy to haul around?
    I'm not much of a hard core gamer, but I do play America's Army.

    Definetly go with the video card, as the onboard severly restricts the FSB, RAM and point in being completely quiet about it.

    ALSO...wherever you are ordering from (newegg?) checkout the silencers and coolers.

    This one caught my eye....

    as well as THIS PUPPY!!!! (maybe overkill...maybe not!)
    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    That might replace the whole ICE heatsink setup if it ever gets too noisy.

    I'm tempted to hook up my rig to my dad's HDTV plasma but I'm afraid he might steal it. lol.
    (we're talking about DVI right?)

    Do not go with the Zen in this case as it will not give you the card slots you will need.
    I find a 2600+ is more than enough. Also the SATA drive is extremely important.
    For me it's a huge leap in performance as the 7200rpms and the removed transfer bottleneck makes my HTPC run smooth.

    I should really start a new thread on this....


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 15, 2004
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I'm not a 'hard core' gamer, but I do enjoy a game when I can!

    Newegg don't ship to NZ, so that's not an option - I can buy everything I need here in NZ except for a MCE 2005 remote, which I'd prefer to a RemoteWonder (Which I can get here).

    Connection to the TV is Component, as we seem to be 5 years behind the rest of the world over here I'd have to get a Plasma if I wanted DVI (I'd much rather have a stunning CRT than a cruddy Plasma for several thousand more).

    With Apple announcing nothing but a slight speedbump for the PowerMacs tomorrow the HTPC might come first... But not until the end of this Semester (7 weeks away). 8)

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