Single Tuner Card or Dual Tuner Card???? (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
July 25, 2005
Hi All,

I'm still in the research mode of sorting a HTPC so I have some basic questions.

Is there any benifit of using single tuner cards over dual tuner cards?

Do the dual cards have as much encoding grunt for each tuner as the single cards?

What is resonsible for the video quailty - the tuner card, the encoding codecs or the video out card? (Or all of them?)



Portal Pro
February 15, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Is there any benifit of using single tuner cards over dual tuner cards?
No real difference - depends on space, costs, etc.
Do the dual cards have as much encoding grunt for each tuner as the single cards?
I assume so....

What is resonsible for the video quailty - the tuner card, the encoding codecs or the video out card? (Or all of them?)
Well, for capturing/recording, then tuner card/encoding type is responsible. You're obviously looking at Analogue TV tuners, so important to get a Hardware encoding card (eg Hauppauge range).
For playback (assuming you have top-quality source :wink: ), then decoding filter/graphics card/connection to TV/TV/eyesight quality are all responsible.

PS I like my Weetbix.


Portal Member
July 25, 2005
It would seem more people have single tuner cards than dual - especially as this thread has been viewed quite a few times and no comments. Thanks for your comment vbap

My concern was that perhaps a dual tuner card would be limited in some way to make room for the two tuners. The other thing that is interesting is that few people seem to have two cards the same - Is there a reason for this (perhaps they were brought at different times? or want AL and DG) We currently only have analog TV in NZ (except for Sky, which is only available through a STB (if this is incorrect can someone tell me if Sky can be received and decrypted through a PC card - only interested in legal stuff of course .



Portal Pro
February 15, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
My concern was that perhaps a dual tuner card would be limited in some way to make room for the two tuners

The only analogue dual tuner I know of is the Hauppauge PVR500 (and I think there is a nvidia NVTV or something). Off the top of my head I think perhaps it omits things like video inputs (& radio??) when compared to say the PVR350 single tuner.

The other thing that is interesting is that few people seem to have two cards the same
This is a good question, and I guess everyone's reasons will be different. I will eventually go dual tuner (digital) and am also wondering whether I go for 2 of the same (currently a dvico fusion DVB-T lite) or "try something else". I did notice on the digital now website a dual DVB-T tuner (it's USB, but housed wthin a PCI bracket for fitting internally - quite ingenious really). This looks interesting...


Portal Pro
July 2, 2005
Edmonton, AB
Home Country
Canada Canada
The Hauppauge PVR500 has two tuners, and one AV input on the back of the card. It also has two more AV headers on the card that you can by addidional "plates" for which would provide another set of AV jacks.

I'd definately suggest buying a dual tuner card over a single. Saves room, only one connection to cable, and then you can watch/record TV at the same time! ;)


Portal Member
July 25, 2005
Always lots of good replies - thanks very much.

One reply I had in another post mentioned the idea of a dual card dying would kill the system of TV, while with two single cards at least your still have a connection if one died. Don't know how often a card would die, but personally I like the idea of a dual card to save space.

I like the idea of the same cards, because you only have to suss out how one works

For my own system I would probably need at least one video input for Sky Digital video feed (any component or DVI inputs on cards?)

My final system spec will probably determine the path I take.


Portal Member
August 24, 2005
Well, I have two cards with separate tuners, both DVB but one for sattelite and none for cable.

If a computer is ment to place it near the TV then it has to be very silent and ended up with mobile technology and a processor that would have to run at top speed if it had to decode a mpeg stream. So these cards have a dedicated hardware mpeg decoder, simply to avoid that the cpu has to work too much.

HDTV software decoding asks for at least an P4-3Ghz so I wonder how they can make a silent mediabox the best way is to use an on-board mpeg decoder in case of didigtal reception.

But: I've tested Mediaportel...very impressive program.. but no way to get these two cards at work , there's no mechanism in mediaportal that supports the dual channel lists and links each list with a specific capture card. Well, not with the card drivers.
Mediaplayer can show each card seperatly, so config mediaplayer for one card, and it plays/record fine. To use the other one, re-run config, autodetect the channels again and yeap, it works perfectly.
All these onboard decoder cards support no bda driver so bad luck.

Now, running config each time is not very user friendly.
I've posted the same question on the medialportal forum... perhaps the wrong place..hardware would be a better place.

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