Site Creator: Need help with Danish sites! (1 Viewer)


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  • November 30, 2005
    Home Country
    England England
    Hi Everybody.

    Hopefully someone out there can help me starting on my first Site Creator project! First of all - I have very basic knowledge on this, and need help from experiences users.

    I would like to add Danish sites to Onlinevideos (like DR.DK)

    The following sites:

    Danish News Sites(In priority from top to buttom):

    TV2 (Flash site)
    TV 2 Video

    Jyllandposten TV (Xtreme-player)
    Web-tv med nyheder og reportage - opdateret 24 timer i dgnet -

    Ekstrabladet TV (Flash Player)
    Ekstra Bladet - webtv

    BT TV (Flash player)
    BT TV - underholdning nyheder krimi royalt -

    Jyskebank TV (Flash player) // Abonnér

    Børsen TV (Flash player)
    Seneste : Seneste


    Have tried with "Sporten" TV 2 Video - but I am already stuck:-S

    Problem 1: How can I get Category Regex URL for "Sporten" (or any other category on main site)
    Problem 2: Where do I need to "insert" URL? Just where link specific URL is, or do I need to mark out more codes out side > & <?
    Problem 3: Do I need to create Regex for every single category/video? and how is the logic about these updating automatically?



    MP Donator
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  • November 30, 2005
    Home Country
    England England
    I have now tried with all sites - and all of the them seems to have same issue - cannot go past Category Regex part! (don't know if this is a general flash player problem!)

    Without defining Category I cannot get Video URL.

    Only break-through I have had in 4 hours in on rss feeds!

    Can grab Categories, Titles & Video URL's - But cannot playvideo URL on last page.

    When grabbing VideoURL I get the following:

    VideoURLresult: // Finans // Carlsberg-regnskab: Interview med finansdirektør Jørn P. Jensen

    But it cannot play in WMP - there nothing in "ResultURL" dropdown box. (see screenshot)

    Can someone please give me a hint?



    • jbtv.jpg
      270.4 KB


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I have now tried with all sites - and all of the them seems to have same issue - cannot go past Category Regex part! (don't know if this is a general flash player problem!)

    Without defining Category I cannot get Video URL.

    Only break-through I have had in 4 hours in on rss feeds!

    Can grab Categories, Titles & Video URL's - But cannot playvideo URL on last page.

    When grabbing VideoURL I get the following:

    VideoURLresult: // Finans // Carlsberg-regnskab: Interview med finansdirektør Jørn P. Jensen

    But it cannot play in WMP - there nothing in "ResultURL" dropdown box. (see screenshot)

    Can someone please give me a hint?


    please contact me at msn (details were pm'd to you yesterday)

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