Skin Upgrade Tool (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 21, 2006
QLD, Australia
Home Country
Australia Australia
Hi All

I don’t think I have an isolated issue. I have been using MP for about 6 months with great success. (Even have a few mates using it.)

I have just upgraded to (love the improvements :) ). However, I use a modified skin, manly larger font size of positioning due to CRT 4:3 TV and viewing distance. With each update I have to redo my modifications. This can be annoying as I never remember where these settings are or what I did last time.

Is there are tool that would be able to streamline this process or if not, I am thinking of developing the tool myself. If I was to develop something myself, would anyone else be interested in this tool (if it was just for me I would not ‘polish’ the project).



Portal Member
October 27, 2006
I would like a tool which allowed me to create skins, I am not a programer and don't really understand that stuff. I would like to play with skins but at present I'm put off by the time it would take to find out what I need to do. Other interests are getting in the way right now.

I will happily beta test any tool that is developed


Portal Pro
February 18, 2006
Salt Lake City, UT
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
MP definitely needs a current skin editor program. I know I would definitely use it. I can do graphic edits pretty well but the xml stuff is just too much for me to get into. I would love it if a program could edit it.


Portal Member
August 21, 2006
QLD, Australia
Home Country
Australia Australia
I guys I was not really going do a skin editor from scratch just an updater that would chance minor settings like Font size, font type position etc after upgrades.

I have found the current skin editor to be fine for my basic needs. I have found sometimes I reading XML is easier but thats just me.

I will give it a go this evening.

Can anyone provide me with a copy of an original skin and a modified version for testing?

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