Skin Xtreme (Widescreen 16:9) **** 10/04/2018 - version released **** (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 28, 2011
Home Country
Italy Italy
When I start to use Mediaportal on my Mediacenter some years ago, I was impressed from the beauty of the look&feel of a skin called XFace. Since my first installation of Mediaportal that skin became my preferred one without any doubt. Every time Mediaportal team released a new version of their software I wait for related Xface update before to install it.
Unluckely at a certain moment Xface skin wasn't updated anymore and I was forced to move to another skin.
Sometimes ago, looking at Xface forum, I saw that there are a lot of people like me that are very sorry for Xface developement ending, so I decided to try a very ambitious project; develop a new skin for the latest Mediaportal versions renewing the wonderful look&feel of the original Xface.
Now I'm proud to present to all of you the results of my attempt; Xtreme skin.

Of course a special tribute goes to Harley, author of original Xface skin, the starting point of all Xtreme's resources.
A big and special thanks goes also to StreamedMP Team for some inspirations (and pieces of code) coming from their great job, especially for basichome design.
I want to thanks also all other great Mediaportal skinners; I've picked a lot of design inspirations from their great jobs.

The skin is compatible with MediaPortal 1.3 and, in addition to the standard one, contains 4 different Themes: Hero Day, Hero Night, Hero Racer and Horus (with horizontal BasicHome menù).
BasicHome screen design basically origins from StreamedMP one, while main home is very close to the original Xface one.
The skin is designed for widescreen 16:9 screens, and resolution is 1280x720 but the skin looks great also on 1920x1080 Full HD screens.
Pay attention, Xtreme is NOT compaible with others screen size like 16:10 or 4:3 (if I'll receive significative requests about a 16:10 version, I can try to develop also a release for this screen size).

in additions to the standard ones like myVideo, myMusic, myTV etc.:
Moving Pictures (recommended)
MP-TVSeries (recommended)
WorldWeather (recommended)
Fanart Handler (recommended)
Latest Media Handler (recommended)
Infoservice (recommended)
MyExtensions (recommended)
For The Record
Argus TV
WorldWeather Lite
I'm totally newbie in skinning, and this is my first attempt to develop a complete skin (...very hard job) so comments, suggestions, critics etc. are always welcome

Hope many of you can enjoy with Xtreme

*** MODs, AddOns and Themes (for MP1.3) available in this thread ***


BasicHome1.jpg BasicHome 2.jpg Exit-ShutdownScreen.jpg MyHome_Classic.jpg MyHome_w_ExitMenu.jpg MyPlugins.jpg MyPlugins_Classic.jpg 1526.jpg 1527.jpg 1528.jpg 1529.jpg 1530.jpg NowPlaying_FanartLayout.jpg 1531.jpg 1532.jpg 1533.jpg 1534.jpg 1535.jpg 1536.jpg 1537.jpg 1538.jpg 1539.jpg 1540.jpg 1541.jpg 1542.jpg 1543.jpg MyVideo1.jpg 1544.jpg 1545.jpg 1546.jpg MovingPictures4.jpg MovingPictures3.jpg MovingPictures5.jpg MovingPictures6.jpg MovingPictures7.jpg MovingPictures8.jpg MovingPictures9.jpg TVSeries1.jpg TVSeries2.jpg TVSeries3.jpg TVSeries4.jpg TVSeries5.jpg TVSeries6.jpg TVSeries7.jpg MyRadio1.jpg mvCentral1.jpg mvCentral2.jpg Infoservice.jpg MyExtensions.jpg MyFilm1.jpg
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Portal Pro
November 28, 2011
Home Country
Italy Italy
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  • #2
Here are others Screenshots:

BAsicHome_Analog_Std.jpg 1551.jpg 1552.jpg WorldWeather_1.jpg WorldWeather_2.jpg WorldWeather_3.jpg WorldWeather_4.jpg WorldWeather_5.jpg WorldWeather_6.jpg WorldWeather_7.jpg Trakt_Dashboard.jpg Trakt_1.jpg Trakt_2.jpg Trakt_3.jpg Trakt_4.jpg ShowTimes1.jpg ShowTimes2.jpg Wikipedia.jpg Sudoku.jpg AnalogClocks1.jpg AnalogClocks2.jpg TopRight_WeatherClocks.jpg

Hero Day
BasicHome_Digital.jpg BasicHome_Analog.jpg Music1.jpg Music2.jpg TVSeries1.jpg TVSeries2.jpg Videos3.jpg

Hero Night
BAsicHome_Digital_HeroNight.jpg BasicHomeMain2.jpg BasicHomeMovie.jpg Movie1.jpg Music1.jpg Music2.jpg TVMain.jpg

Hero Racer
BAsicHome_Digital_HeroRacer.jpg BasicHome1.jpg BasicHome2.jpg MovingPictures.jpg Music1.jpg Settings_Music.jpg TVSeries.jpg

Horus1.jpg Horus3.jpg Horus4.jpg Horus8b.jpg Horus9.jpg Horus9b.jpg

Important Note to Win7 users: If the new fonts XtremeTitleCaps and XtremeBody are not installed/registered correctly by the installer, please download attached zip file, extract the font files, doubleclick on them and choose "install".

For each voice in Basichome menù, there are different backgrounds that changes randomly each 30 seconds.
you can add your own preferred ones simply copying the file in jpeg format in the following directories:
For Music:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\music (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\music (Win XP)
For Videos:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\movies (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\movies (Win XP)
For Pictures:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\pictures (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\pictures (Win XP)
For TV:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\TV (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\TV (Win XP)
For Movies:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\Film (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\Film (Win XP)
For TV Series:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\TVSeries (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\TVSeries (Win XP)
For Weather:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\weatherbg (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\animations\weatherbg (Win XP)
and so on...

In WorldWeather screens background changes based on current conditions.
If you don't like some of backgrounds I've choosen, you can sobstitute them in...
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\Weather\backgrounds (Win Vista\Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\Weather\backgrounds (Win XP)

WorldWeather offers the possibility to use different weather icon set.
Xtreme coming with 2 other weather icons type in addition to the default one: Xtreme and YStyle (those one of screenshots above). You have to choose your preferred one in WorldWeather plugin configuration (settings tab).
If someone wants to adds more icon set, simply you have to put them in a subdirectory under...
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\WorldWeather\Condition\ (Win Vista/ Win 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\skin\Xtreme\Media\WorldWeather\Condition\ (Win XP)
(take a look at Xtreme or YStyle subdirectories for reference on how to do this).
...It should be not a bad idea to share them here ;) .

For some languages (like German, for example), I suggest do not use string prefixes (to much characters couldn't be displayed in proper ways in menues)


    275.6 KB
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Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    Hi Marduk , very nice work (y) i know you work on this skin long time , and good to see it release ...

    only one thing left for you to do ....( update to MP 1.3.0.A ) AS many of us on 1.3.0.A already ... :p

    thanks again ,look great from screen shots ... :)


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Installed using MediaPortal Extension Installer. set Basic Home theme. Ran MP config, set Xtreme as skin, exited. Ran MP...
    after Starting Plugins it went away, didn't finish loading skin.

    There was no Xtreme skin config in MP config/Plugins. Fonts were installed.

    Using MP 1.2.3 on XP
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 29, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Absolutely beautiful. I have two suggestions.

    1. Support for MP1.3a.
    2. Support for For The Record.


    Portal Pro
    November 28, 2011
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    Italy Italy
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    • #7
    Installed using MediaPortal Extension Installer. set Basic Home theme. Ran MP config, set Xtreme as skin, exited. Ran MP...
    after Starting Plugins it went away, didn't finish loading skin.

    There was no Xtreme skin config in MP config/Plugins. Fonts were installed.

    Using MP 1.2.3 on XP

    Hi 2BitSculptor,
    first of all excuse me for late in this answer, but I was at Job until now (...very hard day).
    your problem is very strange; I've tested the installer and the skin on a Windows XP (SP3) partition on my test machine without any kind of problem.
    In details I've installed Mediaportal 1.2.3 and then Xtreme skin, downloading it from download page (not using master file I have) and lauching the installation simply with a double click on mpe1 file. All is gone perfect.
    Like Default/DefaultWide skins, Xtreme have no specific config application, so the only things to do is to set the skin as default one in GUI setup and choose your preferred menù type (basichome or classic).
    We can try to take a look at mediaportal log file (in Windows XP should be located in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log\), so I wonder if you could attach it here.

    Hi Marduk , very nice work (y) i know you work on this skin long time , and good to see it release ...

    only one thing left for you to do ....( update to MP 1.3.0.A ) AS many of us on 1.3.0.A already ... :p

    thanks again ,look great from screen shots ... :)

    Absolutely beautiful. I have two suggestions.

    1. Support for MP1.3a.
    2. Support for For The Record.

    ...after the publishing of this first release for MP1.2.3, it is already "in my agenda" to start to work for a MP1.3 release, so as soon as possible I hope to publish something compatible with new MP release, so.... stay tuned ;)



    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi Marduk, this is a very nice skin, congratulations for your excellent work!


    Portal Pro
    November 28, 2011
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    Italy Italy
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    • #10
    Support for For The Record after 1.3a?

    The main goal is to support as much plugins as possible, so I hope to can offer quickly also the support for For The Record.
    It should be a wonderful thing if other community members, like happens for other skins, begins to help me in releasing additional plugins support modules for Xtreme (I can do one thing a time, so I cannot make all things as fast as I would).

    Hi Marduk, this is a very nice skin, congratulations for your excellent work!

    Many thanks, Catavolt,
    it is really really a great pleasure and honour for me to receive congratulations from one of the best Mediaportal Skinner


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