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- #1
First i'd want to say that this is a great product so keep up the good work.. your guys ROCK!
I wanted to start skinning but i donno where to start... so bare with me in answering the list of 1020323 questions below! (j/k).
1) I looked at the skinning guide and it said to create the background, controls, etc and place all the images in "Media" folder and XML files that defines the windows etc in the skin folder. So i tried something just replaces the backgound.png in the BlueTwo skin and nothing happed, i played around till i found "packedgfx20.png" that has all the picture in there and when i changed the background in that file it was actually reconized by MP. What's this file and how can generate it or how does this work in general?
2) Fonts: how can i define fonts? i am trying to localize the app but can't define a skin... what are these .ads and .ads.xml files? can't i just use a normal windows font? and if i can how?
3) How can i display info from plugins on the home screem? let's say for example 2day's weather on the home screem?
i guess that's everything for now.... will hold off my other questions till i get passed this stage so i dont bore you
a lots for your help guys!!
Mustafa Rabie
I wanted to start skinning but i donno where to start... so bare with me in answering the list of 1020323 questions below! (j/k).
1) I looked at the skinning guide and it said to create the background, controls, etc and place all the images in "Media" folder and XML files that defines the windows etc in the skin folder. So i tried something just replaces the backgound.png in the BlueTwo skin and nothing happed, i played around till i found "packedgfx20.png" that has all the picture in there and when i changed the background in that file it was actually reconized by MP. What's this file and how can generate it or how does this work in general?
2) Fonts: how can i define fonts? i am trying to localize the app but can't define a skin... what are these .ads and .ads.xml files? can't i just use a normal windows font? and if i can how?
3) How can i display info from plugins on the home screem? let's say for example 2day's weather on the home screem?
i guess that's everything for now.... will hold off my other questions till i get passed this stage so i dont bore you
a lots for your help guys!!
Mustafa Rabie