Skinning manual? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 12, 2006
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Hi all,
I tried to modify an existing skin (as this is the first step into skinning) and the whole skin went bezirk.
Items were lost and or misplaced or mediaportal wouldn't start at all!
Simple question though: Is there a skinning-hands-on available?
Thanks in advance.



Portal Member
July 12, 2006
Kingdom of the Netherlands
This brings me right to the first 2 questions;
1 - is there a way to get the weather on the home screen? (copy paste from the myweather doesn't work)
2 - How can I change the location of the waiting animation from the center of the screen to the bottom-left?
Thanks in advance


Retired Team Member
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  • February 6, 2006
    P@ul said:
    This brings me right to the first 2 questions;
    1 - is there a way to get the weather on the home screen? (copy paste from the myweather doesn't work)
    2 - How can I change the location of the waiting animation from the center of the screen to the bottom-left?
    Thanks in advance

    i'm afraid both of it isn't possible. The position of the "waiting animation" is hardcoded as is the weather-forecast.

    for the second question: mofux did write a "weather overlay" plugin (for his skin nonafo) which shows the actual weather on the homescreen. i'm pretty sure he'd be willing to share it with you. i'm not sure how "compatible " it is to other skins, but as i'm interested i will take a look at it.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 6, 2006
    P@ul said:
    mediaportal wouldn't start at all!
    Simple question though: Is there a skinning-hands-on available?

    for the mediaportal wouldn't start at all:

    do you get an exception or is it just the GUI not starting? when changing a skin you have to delete the packedgfx-whatever- png#s and (b)xmls to let your changes effect!

    for the manual. i'm afraid there is none. i read about some sort of skinning-guide-collection related to the french forum, it's in french though (-; i try to find the link... upcoming skinners should always be supported amap


    Portal Member
    July 12, 2006
    Kingdom of the Netherlands
    Thanks for the help sofar, and yes, the french manual would be a great help, as most Dutch people I do speak French, English, German and a little Dutch too, so the manual is most welcome!!

    As for the mediaportal not starting, it's the gui that won't display at all (happened when i copy/pasted the weather in the home screen, so that figures ;))

    The weather plugin is included in his skin, does that mean I can just use it (open source?) and if so in which xml file do I find a reference to the plugin?

    Thanks for the fast replies
    Danke für die schnelle Antworten
    Merci pour des réponses rapides



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 6, 2006
    P@ul said:
    Thanks for the help sofar, and yes, the french manual would be a great help, as most Dutch people I do speak French, English, German and a little Dutch too, so the manual is most welcome!!

    didn't find the link yet. if you're capable of french, just take a look at the french forum, i'm sure it's easy to find there

    P@ul said:
    As for the mediaportal not starting, it's the gui that won't display at all (happened when i copy/pasted the weather in the home screen, so that figures ;))

    The weather plugin is included in his skin, does that mean I can just use it (open source?) and if so in which xml file do I find a reference to the plugin?

    like mentioned, that happened if not all the packets are deleted, including the png/ds and the xmls (orbxml) file. this forces MP to repack the graphics.

    for the copy and ast thing... it isn't that easy i'm afraid. if i were you i would just send mofux a pm and ask if you can use it and / or how to use it. i'm also interested in bringing the weatherovberlay in my changed version of the blue2skin... so i will play around with it and post on progress.

    P@ul said:
    Thanks for the fast replies
    Danke für die schnelle Antworten
    Merci pour des réponses rapides


    you're welcome
    gern geschehen
    pas de qu
    and: geen dank, graag gedaan (-,.

    seems like we have the same range of labguages even if i'm german though (-;


    Portal Pro
    April 10, 2006
    Home Country
    France France
    smnnekho said:
    for the manual. i'm afraid there is none. i read about some sort of skinning-guide-collection related to the french forum, it's in french though (-; i try to find the link... upcoming skinners should always be supported amap

    i'm moderator in the french forum and i don't remenber a such link, may be you 're talking about this one or this other

    but in your wiki section there is a skin architecture's page


    Portal Pro
    April 10, 2006
    Home Country
    France France
    that's what i'm talkin


    Portal Member
    July 12, 2006
    Kingdom of the Netherlands
    Thank you soo much all!!
    This is what I have sofar:

    It's a modified 16x9 BlueTwo skin, bigger fonts and (for me then) easier location of the menu's.


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