SLOW Channel Changing > 25 sec (1 Viewer)


New Member
August 22, 2007
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Sweden Sweden
:rolleyes: Why is the channel changing so slow.

I have OSD popping up about the next channel at a click on my remote but then the screeen goes black (And sometimes shows the last scene from previous channel) and i have to wait 20-30 secounds.

What is wrong?

I have shuttle SN95G5
1 GB Ram
ATI X800 pro super duper (or something)
Western digital 75 GB 10K drive
Fire DTV DVB-T and latest firmware 1.2.4

All other apps incl. vista MC is channging fast.

iam running XP pro now since i thought vista was the problem.

But it seems like Mediaportal is the cause. And i have tried every version since rc1 untilö the current nightly build. B.T.W Good work everyone.

Since i am a .net programmer myself i would appriciate a link to what is needed to debug mediaportal.
Many thanx for a future that is fast.:D


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 16, 2005
    Hi SpooZ.

    First off, you can find the log files located in the Mediaportal/Logs directory. These should shed some light. You can also change the logging level in the general section of MP configuration.

    Slow changes could be due to signal strength, hardware, codecs or anything else. Also, most TV cards use custom drivers for their own TV software and then use pretty basic BDA drivers for everything else (dvico, I'm looking at you especially).

    My suggestions -
    1) try out the TV server. It takes a bit to set up, but most people report much faster channel changes.
    2) see if there is any software that came with your card that can measure signal strength - may need to improve things there.
    3) check the timeout settings on the channel zapping. Look in the config section under general/OSD -reduce if needed.
    4) experiment with different codecs or updated drivers. Maybe won't help, but never hurts.
    5) if you use the TV Server, use the tweak to try out the new experimental TSReader.

    Hope some of this helps. If not, post back with more system details and the log files.



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