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Hello BadDadSam


The 2250 has hardware encoders. It should just work.

The 1250 requires compatible software encoders to be installed. As far as I'm aware Hauppauge's SoftPVR/SoftMCE encoder package is compatible, so just install that and hopefully after that it should just work (though TV Server restart may be required).


The message indicates that whatever tuner you attempted to use has not been initialised correctly, so I suspect something out of the ordinary is going wrong in your system.


Please post your TV Server log files, as well as the analog tuner definitions for your tuners:

1. Open TV Server configuration.

2. Click "open log directory" in the top left corner.

3. Zip up the files you find in that folder.

4. Go up one level, then down again into the "AnalogCard" folder.

5. Zip up the files you find in that folder.

6. Post/attach both zip files here.




PS: Please make it a habit to post log files when you ask for help. It saves an immense amount of time for us when we have all the information we need to help you.

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