Using your fantastic skin indigo but would like to have a little thing to help me out.
When playing a movie and entering the info menu, i would to have to possibilly to change output render under audio.
This shouldn't be to hard to make because it allready exits under settings>my videos>audiorender.
Just the same simple config to change it. That would make my life a bit easier.
And the same possibilly for music.
Another thing, I think you included my drives statics. Does that need the plugin to be installed or how? I got 2 drive C and D. And E and F are not showing. And it says by drives are allmost filled or empty.
And last thing.... Does it support https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...tube-music-videos-updated-17-05-2009-a-49148/ , i think i have a skinissue og something. I tried the one provided from indigo and the one from youtube.fm. All my codecs are working.
And support for lastest Online videos.
And in TVSeries.SkinSettings.xml you forgot to change Monocrome to Indigo to make logo work.
Using your fantastic skin indigo but would like to have a little thing to help me out.
When playing a movie and entering the info menu, i would to have to possibilly to change output render under audio.
This shouldn't be to hard to make because it allready exits under settings>my videos>audiorender.
Just the same simple config to change it. That would make my life a bit easier.
And the same possibilly for music.
Another thing, I think you included my drives statics. Does that need the plugin to be installed or how? I got 2 drive C and D. And E and F are not showing. And it says by drives are allmost filled or empty.
And last thing.... Does it support https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...tube-music-videos-updated-17-05-2009-a-49148/ , i think i have a skinissue og something. I tried the one provided from indigo and the one from youtube.fm. All my codecs are working.
And support for lastest Online videos.
And in TVSeries.SkinSettings.xml you forgot to change Monocrome to Indigo to make logo work.