Some ideas for MP (1 Viewer)



Hi folks, I've been playing with MP for a short while now and I've got some comments and suggestions I'd like to make. For some background I've been thinking about writing my own htpc app for a while - I've been using myHTPC on my htpc but found it a little limiting for some things, and was slightly dissapointed with Meedio - so I decided to look (back) here.
These comments/ideas are put forward for comments and discussion - I'd like to hear what you think, they're not intended to be insulting:)

* Generic screen code - Looking through the code there are projects for all the available screen types - home, music, movies, etc, however looking at the actual code there doesn't appear to be much difference, other than some data processing code. I would suggest that if possible the data processing code and presentation code be separate - for example creating a generic 'page' class that can display any page. As a (very small) example of this I removed the date/time processing code from the home.cs file and moved it elsewhere (I moved it into the util.cs file in the process tag code, but it could probably go elsewhere) so I can now use new #currentdate and #currenttime tags on any page and any label.
(This would also open the door to having an MP XML format for UI definition, but having multiple presentation devices - pdas, html, Windows Forms, SVG, etc, often using little more than XSLT.)

* Generic data-feed code - In a similar vein to the generic screen code, I think it would be useful to have some generic data-feed code so pages can get data without specific code having to be written. This is a little more difficult to describe, but how about having a data-feed called 'MusicPlaylist', then having a theme page which has a label with a value of '#MusicPlaylist[0].Name' to display the name of the current playing track? (Or maybe '#MusicPlaylist[#CurrentMusicTrack].Name'.)
(Actually this may be defined as a data-feed interface so new data-feeds can be quickly written and integrated.)

* Generic playlist code - (Or a playlist interface) A playlist is a key idea/feature in a media app - the music you're listening to is in a playlist, slideshow pictures are a playlist, movies, etc. Having generic code to deal with a playlist would save having to re-invent the wheel for every media type/page being defined, and could open the door for page themes to directly control playlists. For example, having actions like 'EmptyPlaylist' 'AddToPlaylist' etc.

Any comments?


Wow, that went down well:) In fact my lead balloon has better floating qualities!


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 22, 2004
    I allways waited for some response to your proposals, since your ideas sound logical (for a non-programmer) and I had the impression that you have a profound professional background.

    But as things are, the dev team has set to themselves a very tight time table for a stable version 0.1 (sep, 1st, 2004).
    So they are very busy with getting in the features that are scheduled for 0.1 plus a lot of bug hunting.

    From what I understand about a sw-development process it might be a good time to do some optimization of the code (haven´t read a single line of the current code) after releasing 0.1.

    I can do with a period before implementing major new features for this optimization because MP fulfills all basic needs I have for a HTPC. Though I posted a fair amount of feature requests :wink:

    Maybe you can discuss your ideas on the irc channel of mediaportal.

    Just to give you some feedback.

    ...leaving this field for the experts again.



    Yeah well I figured it'd be something like that, although I couldn't see anything about the timescale. The todo list seems pretty big, is the 1st Aug release going to have ALL these items in it or just the top six items?

    I've not had time to get involved - life gets in the way! However on Tuesday I'm going to out of a job (I think) so unless I have something else lined up I'm going to have a major .net learning spree. I'll see about getting on to IRC - I've never had the chance so far as my computer use is fragmented and I find forum and email are far better at the moment.


    I'll try that sometime. (I've just found out I'm working for (potentially) another two months, so next week is off. Oh well!)

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