Speed: TV2 or TV3 (1 Viewer)


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
    Home Country
    Wales Wales
    Qucik question: Which is fastest - TV2 or TV3?

    Whicch changes channels fastest? does one perform quicker than the other? Is one les resource intensive? etc


    I'm happily running TV2, but its just feeling a bit sluggish - so anything that speeds it up is good! I guess I could look into a new CPU and more ram, but my moneys all going on a big TV and surround sound :D


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
    Home Country
    Wales Wales
    Well I have only a "production" machine, which is running TV2 as I want it, and I relly dont want to mess it up!

    I had a quick go at installing and using TV3, but i couldnt get the tv channels showing.

    Basically, if it was a known fact that TV3 was quite a lot faster then I would probably risk changing my setup, and spending time sorting it all out.

    I guess I could stick in a second hard drive, reinstall windows and then TV3 - it just would have been easier to have a "yes ts faster" or "no not really" answer...

    thanks anyway.


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  • April 22, 2004
    The Netherlands
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    in my opinion:
    - tv3 is faster (especially with the new tsreader.ax filter)
    - supports hdtv

    then again:
    - does not support as much analog cards as TV2
    - for some people its less stable then TV2



    Portal Pro
    January 13, 2007
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    I've tried 0.2.2, 0.2.3 RC1, latest SVNs and TV3. The amount of trouble I've had and the earbashing from the wife, I just leave a stock RC1 install on the computer. Nothing breaks, nothing changes and it seems to work for what I/the wife needs it for.

    TV3 I had timeshift issues, laptop wouldn't stream smoothy and would hang, couldn't get xmltv to work properly, latest svns (with MyTV 0.2 as well) I would get 100% CPU on 1080i sources among other things.

    I think the premise behind TV3 is absolutely awesome, some of the features are really handy, but until it reaches a stable release I will leave the bug testing up to others. The wife hates it when I'm tweaking it constantly trying to get it to work properly.

    RC1 is simple and it works.

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