Speed up browsing (backdrop)? / Customise details? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 2, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany

the moving pictures plugin ist great!
But there are a view things i'd like to change/improve.

1. The browse-speed/scrolling in list-view isn't really fast. The movie discription and details loads instant, the Coverarts and Backdrops need some time to get loaded. This doesn't 'feel' good while skipping through movies
(AMD X2 3600+; 2GB RAM; )
I have already moved the database and thumbs to a RAMDRIVE -> better but still not really instant

Is there another thing to speed up loading the images?

2. Is it possible to have always two or three movies below the selected one while scrolling through the list view? (like in media-portals native movie-section

3. Is it possible to change the displayed movie-details? (e.g. 'language' in place of 'writer')


Portal Pro
May 17, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand

the moving pictures plugin ist great!
But there are a view things i'd like to change/improve.

1. The browse-speed/scrolling in list-view isn't really fast. The movie discription and details loads instant, the Coverarts and Backdrops need some time to get loaded. This doesn't 'feel' good while skipping through movies
(AMD X2 3600+; 2GB RAM; )
I have already moved the database and thumbs to a RAMDRIVE -> better but still not really instant

Is there another thing to speed up loading the images?

2. Is it possible to have always two or three movies below the selected one while scrolling through the list view? (like in media-portals native movie-section

3. Is it possible to change the displayed movie-details? (e.g. 'language' in place of 'writer')

1 - There's a setting in the options somewhere to decrease/increase the backdrop image delay (not sure exactly what it's called)

3 - I'd like to put 'Actors' instead of 'Writer' - not sure how, have to edit the skin files I guess, which is beyond me - perhaps someone can help out? :D


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
As for backdrop loading, the upcoming major release (0.7) loads noticeably faster and uses a fading transition so things look a lot better. In 0.8 maybe we can look at doing some preloading of the next few items in the list, but this would really only benefit seldom or slow movements. When it comes down to it it just takes a moment to load a large piece of artwork like that. But look for boosts in performance in 0.7.

As for your other two requests they both should be possible, but those are skin issues. You may be better off posting over on the skin forum for whichever skin you're using.


Portal Pro
November 26, 2008
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Canada Canada
As for backdrop loading, the upcoming major release (0.7) loads noticeably faster and uses a fading transition so things look a lot better. In 0.8 maybe we can look at doing some preloading of the next few items in the list, but this would really only benefit seldom or slow movements. When it comes down to it it just takes a moment to load a large piece of artwork like that. But look for boosts in performance in 0.7.

Is the performance gain in background image loading nullified by the fading transition effect? (I.e: image now loads 25% faster, but that time is now spent in the image fade transiiton). Is the fading transition a customizable option?

I use StreamedMP skin and the filmstrip view when using MovingPictures. I often traverse the movies by scrolling right one at a time and would like it if the image did appear quicker.


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
As for backdrop loading, the upcoming major release (0.7) loads noticeably faster and uses a fading transition so things look a lot better. In 0.8 maybe we can look at doing some preloading of the next few items in the list, but this would really only benefit seldom or slow movements. When it comes down to it it just takes a moment to load a large piece of artwork like that. But look for boosts in performance in 0.7.

Is the performance gain in background image loading nullified by the fading transition effect? (I.e: image now loads 25% faster, but that time is now spent in the image fade transiiton). Is the fading transition a customizable option?

The short answer is yes it is possible to do away with the fading effect all together, and different animation transitions are possible as well. But this is determined by the skin itself, not a setting in the plug-in.


Portal Member
May 2, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
thx fforde for the infos. looking forward to V0.8 :D

i did a view changes which work quite good for me (all in the movingpictures.xml-file in my skin/monochrom-folder; my used skin):

1. replaced the 'writer'-label (why is it 200?, some multi-language-stuff?) with 'Tonspur:' (audio track) and value with 'language' regarding this docu:
SkinDesignersGuide - moving-pictures - Google Code - A general guide to help skinners get oriented with the how their skin should interact with the plug-in.

code change:


2. comment all the animation-stuff: images now load really faster, but i'm not shure if it's ok how i did this. It was just a try

code change:


Portal Pro
April 19, 2006
having a similiar problem with my moving pictures, with lots of movies fast skipping becomes an issue

would it be possible to have the backdrop update only if the same movie has been selected for longer than say 500ms?

so if the user browses, sticks to something for 500ms, the backdrop gets faded to a new (and correct) one


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
having a similiar problem with my moving pictures, with lots of movies fast skipping becomes an issue

would it be possible to have the backdrop update only if the same movie has been selected for longer than say 500ms?

so if the user browses, sticks to something for 500ms, the backdrop gets faded to a new (and correct) one

It should be behaving as you describe in the current version. The default delay is actually shorter than that, it is 250ms (and is configurable from the advanced settings panel). Maybe you need to increase the delay a bit on your system?

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