Standard BDA Diseqc switching (4 Viewers)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Colin, *don't panic*!

    Your error log contains lots of exceptions being thrown when your card tries to tune. This is being caused by my patch, although I'm not yet sure why. To check that the card still goes, try changing back to the original MediaPortal DLLs...


    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Dont worry, Im certainly not paniking.
    Thing is - it didnt work at all with Diseqc with the orginal sw, though I did get the non-diseqc signal to work. That will involve getting on my roof, so I will attempt at the weekend.

    It stopped working mid way through the session with your first drivers, after about 20 channel changes, some succesful, others not.

    BTW I have switched it back to the Hauppauge card now, and it is still working (with your drivers). I suspect a clean install of the card is needed.



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  • September 1, 2008
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    I don't recommend using my dlls with the Hauppauge card. It probably wouldn't hurt, however it isn't necessary either. I've taken a look at your logs, however there is no useful information there. Most of the time it appears my fix is not being used for the Blackgold card because the Hauppauge card is being used or because you're trying to tune to a DVB-T channel. I will have to wait until you try the latest version. When you do that, please make sure you clean out your logs and then only try tuning to one DVB-S channel on the Blackgold card once. It will make it much easier for me to find out what is happening.

    The easiest way to damage a card is to unplug or plug in satellite cables while your computer, switch or other receivers connected to the switch are on. I damaged my last card by doing this :( I *strongly* recommend you turn everything off before unplugging any cables...


    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2007
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    I learnt the complete depowering before touching the LNB connection the hard way some years ago.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    ColinT, were you able to get up on the roof or do any more testing over the weekend?


    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I did a complete rebuild because of another problem
    I also ran the cable from the spare LNB out, and I'm afraid that the DVB-s outputs from both channels are dead.
    I have check ed the signal using my Hauppauge card and it is there.

    The DVB S power input to the card is present, and the red light is on.
    Basicaly the problem occurred half way through the first test. Up to that point we were getting some exceptions, and the diseqc was working intermitantly. After that the DVB half of the card is dead.

    BTW dont worry, I dont blame you at all. The fact that black and gold gave no support whatsowever is my only anoyance. If you had not doe the work, I probably would. In any case the card was no good to me without Diseqc and mediaportal.

    I shall be in touch with the company tomorrow to see if there is anything they can do.
    I am not surte that the card should blow, when using the legitimate drivers, but there again I was experimenting.

    Thanks for the help. If I get the card back to a reasonable state I may well try again.

    In the mean time be careful with your own card

    Regards Colin


    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Update. Black and Gold are supporting me with the card. Once you get to talk to the right person on the phone, they seem very helpful (at least so far.
    Will report progress.

    Regards ColinT


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Any progress ColinT? Not trying to be nosy - just interested. I've tried to email Blackgold but haven't heard from them...


    Portal Pro
    January 21, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Blackgold returned the card last friday.
    After discussions with them, then did it under waranty. They were very slow to provide support, but the support was good once activated (by phone).

    Basically the output of the card had shorted, taking out a component and lifting the track. They took my word that I had not shorted by plugging/unplugging when powered up. They said it was impossible to cause such a failure by commanding via the SW inteface (I admited that I was running a trial build when it failed). They wanted to charge me for the repair, but I spoke to the manager, and he accepted the warranty.

    It was possible (but low chance) that it was burn in component failure.

    Anyway it is back, and currently working on one channel which has no diseqc.

    Currently the diseqc switch is running through the Hauppaugecard. I set it all up yesterday.
    With this set up I can get everything except for DVB-S2 channels on Hotbird and Astra1, but with every card occupied.

    I would still like to get diseqc working on the card, but am not in a hurry, and of course I dont want to take risks. Blackgold said there were no risks from commanding it, but I am slightly worried still.

    The build that was in use when the failure occured was sending each diseqc command twice, with about 0.1 secs between each sending, and dispite what BG say, I am slightly nervous that it may have contributed.

    How has your work been coming along? Are you nearer to a final version?

    Regards Colin T


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Yes, I have a much better version now. Take a look here.

    If I'm going to support your card then I'm going to need to add the hardware ID for the BGT3595. You can see this discussed around 3/4 of the way down the first page of that thread. You can find the hardware ID either in the MP database in the cards table (device path), in the inf file that came with your driver, in device manager (right click on the BGT3595 device -> properties -> details tab -> select device instance ID), or in the registry. It should be something like PCI\Ven_***&Dev_***&Subsys_********. Let me know if you need help with this.

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