Standby needs FIXING ! PLEEEEEEEEASE !! I'm begging you.... :-( (1 Viewer)


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  • June 3, 2006
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    Australia Australia
    Why is it that TvServer won't work with standby properly ???

    If my TvServer is woken up from standby manually ( via WOL ), the TvService stops "serving". In other words, it will not stream live TV.

    On the other hand, if it is woken up by powerscheduler, everything is fine..

    The only thing i can put it down to is the fact that the TV service is re-initialized by powerscheduler, whereas if woken up manually the service is NOT re-initialized.

    Is there any chance the dev team can do something about this ??
    It is very annoying.

    As a work around, i have a script on my client that sends a command to the server to re-start the TV service when woken up.
    However, it is a hit and miss affair and only works about 30% of the time.

    PLEEEEEEEEEEASE fix this ............................. I'm begging you... My wife is sick of having to go outside into the garage at 6:00am to restart the server every morning when the kids wake up... :-(


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  • January 23, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi vvulture,

    I'm seeing exactly the same issue and has done that for some SVNs now. Actually my wife got upset this never working so I had to revert back to a SVN I know is working, i.e. from July 7th. Otherwise my wife would go and by a separate STB, god forbid!

    I've checked the logs (MP and event log), played with the settings for TVServer and SQL server but nothing helps. Exactly as you say, it won't "serve" after resuming from standby.

    I don't know if more extensive logging can be done somehow. Otherwise I see no other way than starting from a SVN I know is working, and gradually install newer ones until it breaks. But that probably have to wait for a while...

    What surprises me is that in none of the (similar) threads anyone from development has commented. I felt quite lonely until now but I happy you have the same problem ;-)

    I'm using XP with the automatic updates done.



    Retired Team Member
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  • July 19, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    You all should attach all logs (zip or rar) to your post & if you know exact svn this started to happen tha would be great ;)



    MP Donator
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  • June 3, 2006
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    Australia Australia
    You all should attach all logs (zip or rar) to your post & if you know exact svn this started to happen tha would be great ;)


    I have, but was tottaly ignored.. see .
    The exception is that the client no longer freezes, it just doesn't work.

    I have been on this issue for months now, even resorting to other forums to try and get help.

    Hi vvulture,

    I'm seeing exactly the same issue and has done that for some SVNs now. Actually my wife got upset this never working so I had to revert back to a SVN I know is working, i.e. from July 7th. Otherwise my wife would go and by a separate STB, god forbid!

    I've checked the logs (MP and event log), played with the settings for TVServer and SQL server but nothing helps. Exactly as you say, it won't "serve" after resuming from standby.

    I don't know if more extensive logging can be done somehow. Otherwise I see no other way than starting from a SVN I know is working, and gradually install newer ones until it breaks. But that probably have to wait for a while...

    What surprises me is that in none of the (similar) threads anyone from development has commented. I felt quite lonely until now but I happy you have the same problem ;-)

    I'm using XP with the automatic updates done.


    Hey Peter,
    I'm glad to hear that i am not the only one, but i already knew that.
    It just seems that we are a minority and therefor the bug would not be considered a priority.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 2, 2005
    It isn't that the bug is experienced by a minority, it is that not many use network clients and of those even fewer would be using supend/hibernate.

    I have seen the bug from my network clients.

    Clients can access database info and the server will start the stream but nothing is received by the clients they hang at '':play rtsp://'(network name stream)'''

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