start listing from specific moment? (1 Viewer)


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  • September 18, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium

    I'm using XmlTv with mc2xml which works fine.
    Recently, my provider has bundled a few stations of which NatGeo is one so their programs are transmitted only after 20h.

    Somehow I remember that there was a setting to start the listing from a certain time but I cannot find this in the configuration applets nor in the forum/documentation.
    Was this a dream or am I overlooking something?

    Thanks in advance!



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 7, 2007
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    This is only available (sort of) in WebEPG. It is called merged channels and you can specify different grabbers for different time periods of the day. Now I do not remember if it is possible to have a merged channel that uses only one grabber.


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  • September 18, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    Hi arion,

    You're right it was with webepg, that's why it's so far away in my memory. :D
    The reason that I switched to xmltv was because sites started blocking the scrapers.
    It's not really a big problem, just when programming a series and not being in the tv guide, it happened more then once that I forget that NatGeo is not being aired.

    Thanks a lot anyway for replying!


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