Starting / shutting down media server from remote (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 16, 2006

I'm running a 1TB media server in the basement (bunch of disks on XP). It would be kind of nice, if I could could bring the machine up with a single mouse click from my htpc and shut it down in a similar fashion (from mediaportal) ? I wouldn't need to run the machine 24/7.

I know that there are various Wake-on-lan scripts around. Does anybody know of a (client/server) application which does both: start and shutdown.



Portal Pro
January 15, 2005
Home Country
Cyprus Cyprus
Well, with a wake on lan executable (i found one free on the net, can send it over if you'd like) and a batch file you can start it up

And Windows XP also have a remote shutdown functionality built-in, with the shutdown command, which you can also make a batch file with it...
shutdown -m \\computername -t 20 (time 20 seconds)

Is there a specific reason you don't want batch files and prefer an application?? IMO command line stuff can be easily integrated to MP, whereas an application will popup, and will require interaction with a keyboard or mouse to do your job ...


Portal Member
June 16, 2006
Hi moullas,

thanks for tip. I wasn't aware of the shutdown command. Hence the client/server approach. I'll play around with it.


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