Strange behavior for download lyrics (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 27, 2008

First I would like to congratulate the author of this wonderful plugin. It is very useful to me. Great Job!:D

I would like to contribute to further improve this solution, stating that I discovered a small problem. When I choose to have the English lyrics of a song, this is shown perfectly. However, when a Brazilian music you choose to observe the letter, it appears with strange signals corresponding to the character's own Portuguese language. By visiting the same website that provides the same lyric, it appears normally. Here's an example:
Music: As Curvas Da Estrada De Santos
Artist: Roberto Carlos
MPTagThat result in:
"Se voc� pretende saber quem eu sou..."
Result in SeekLyrics site:
"Se você pretende saber quem eu sou..."

Music: Família
Artist: Titãs
MPTagThat result in:
"Fam�lia, fam�lia
Papai, mam�e, titia,
Almo�a junto todo dia,..."
Result in SeekLyrics site:
"Família, família
Papai, mamãe, titia,
Almoça junto todo dia..."​
This occurs for all the accented characters of the Portuguese language: á à â â é ê í ó ô ú ç.
Is there any solution or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you very much.


Portal Member
April 16, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
This doesn't seems to be solved yet, at least not for Swedish characters, example:

om man är positiv som fan så går allting bra.

should be:

om man är positiv som fan så går allting bra.


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    i'm reading the http stream using the Default.Encoding settings for the PC.
    So theoratically it should be displayed correctly.

    Giveme an example, Artit / Song Title so that i can try myself


    Portal Member
    April 16, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Okay, tanks.

    Artist: Magnus Uggla
    Title: Kung För En Dag

    Fetched from LyricWiki:

    Results for me is:

    "Fast man saknar allt av v�rde
    varje m�nad den 24:e
    men i samma stund"


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Really strange.
    The author of the Lyrics Engine is from Denmark.
    After my last changes he tried with a lot of Swedish and Danish songs and the Lyrics is displayed ok.

    For the above song however, we always get wrong results. Don't know why? You need to fill them out manually.
    Let's hope the rest is fine for you.

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