Stream from internet (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 20, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
I'm not sure this is the right place to ask but here we go.

I've been trying to stream directly from the internet, and it works "kinda" The server is on a 10Mbit/10Mbit connection, and the client i'm streaming from is on 1Gbit connection. The picture is fine but studdering. I'm not sure if this is a bandwith issue, or it's the need for client timeshifting. But when i use VLC for viewing i get glitches.
The reason i'm trying to do this with MP and not lets say VLC or Unreal is the awsome frontend this project has, and the possibility to change channels etc.

Question is:
1. Would it be possible to stream to a lower bitrate/ less bandwith heavy format?
2. Would it be possible to parse the stream through a DivX Hardware encoder and stream that signal?
3. Any suggestions to a solution?

Nicolas, Denmark, Copenhagen


Portal Pro
April 24, 2006
Högsäter, Sweden
Home Country
Norway Norway
As far as i know this is not supported in MP(a feature i have asked for, but i seem like the only one), SageTV + SageTV placeshifter does this(transcode on the fly), and with excellent results too.

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